Welcome to the Warden's Ramblings page where you can find out about his activities and thoughts related to the nature reserve and wildlife in general in his informal monthly review.
November 2024
What a frustrating month several events had no shows. It is particularly frustrating especially when all the work gone into the preparation of the events. But that is life I supposed. Though the highlight so far for November though it isn’t over just yet a week to go so anything could happen. I did a talk for the Janus club in Eldwick to an audience of 42 it’s been a while since I’ve done a talk to a large group. This is my second of two talks that I have done over the years my first lasted aver ten years. This on about four years. The night before I did my talk, I looked at the presentation and thought tomorrow will be the last time for the moment that I do this talk – no doubt I will do more. The reason it is time to upgrade it again as there has been so much happened since I prepped this present talk one major event is that two of our Spider club are now volunteers which was my long-term plan from the very beginning. And, I have a million new pictures for the new talk!
It has been nice to have snow this last week. I love snow I went down to the reserve the other morning when snow was forecast, I walked onto the reserve, and I had forgotten how silent everything is when snow is falling. No birds nothing only the crunch of my boots in the snow. With snow means more bird food and our birds are a hungry lot. Another nice thing to see was a fox I haven’t seen a fox on the reserve for a very long time. And even this time I hadn’t seen the fox only its tracks a very short video was taken of a fox by the large pond. I mentioned this to one of the nighttime security guards and he said he see fox on quite a regular basis which is excellent. We also have rabbits back I saw one then two and security told me there is also baby ones!
Pretty soon I will be putting together the wildlife report for 2024. It will be interesting to see how we have got on. Things do seem to have dropped in certain quarters numbers of moths for example, but we are still over a hundred species. Butterfly numbers were low, but it looks like we are into double figures species wise. And the pond well that has been superb
With new species of Water scorpions found and lots of dragonfly larvae caught by the many Brownie/beaver/cub groups that have been down over the year. They have now gone into hibernation they will no doubt emerge again next springs for more pond dipping and bug hunts etc, etc, etc. it will be interesting to see the total count of groups and group visitors for 2024 it has been our best for quite a while. And I have just prepared the 2025 walk events lets see how that goes. Rest who needs it!
Steve Warrillow
October 2024
End of October the weather is like spring – Bah humbug! Visible migration it’s been dire hardly any big numbers. Species numbers down but the midge numbers by my vismig spot have gone sky high they have fed well. I’m not far from my tenth year. It has been good and continues to be good despite lack of birds standing looking to the sky is very relaxing you can sort the world out while mumbling to yourself and I do mumble thankfully everybody humours me.
It hasn’t even been that cold just had two days where I had to wear layers. We are just about to hit November so that may be different we shall see. It’s the end of the month time to write the monthly report for the reserve. It has still been busy with groups and just done the poster for November and there is shedfulls for November too! Everything from an afternoon of ghostly tales to reindeer making I am determined at some point to make a life size one. And after that its that time of year. Hasn’t it flown this year. Shortly it will fly by it always does and then its January. It has been an interesting month as finally I have done sessions which have involved certificates. This has been a standing joke for quite some time but now they are here they will be here to stay. The idea, or my thoughts of an idea is for the volunteers to work towards certain certificates for achieving various tasks I needed a willing volunteer/victim. Tuesday gang Donna she will be the perfect prey!
She agreed and wow what a difference, the task she is undertaking is working by the pond to regenerate an existing laid hedge she must plan it and prepare and do the hedge, but this will include coppicing. As we go through, she tells me all the health and safety issues, what kit to use and any posts etc must be cut and prepared and working from scratch.
She has told me that doing this has meant that she has had to think about the whole process, and she has thoroughly enjoyed it. Similar activities will be happening with the other volunteers and the main thing is its fun whilst learning. Our younger volunteers can also use these certificates for future employment.
Meanwhile just sorted out bits and bobs for tomorrows vismig will there be any birds only the morning will tell.
Steve Warrillow
September 2024
First day back and it’s raining, I was hoping to resume Vis-migging, but far too soggy. It will be great to stand in the field and look to the skies. Compared of spending a week looking across the sea, with a nice back drop of Skye and Lewis and most days with a fly past White-tailed eagle. Now back to earth with a bump. First week back and straight into 4 Brownie/beaver groups!
It was great to be away. I never realised how good a rest is, apparently, I’m too much of a workaholic the body does need to take time out – point taken, you need to take time out to spend a week looking out to sea trying to sort out little black blobs either sat on the water or whizzing past at a zillion miles per hour! All to disappear behind a wave however big or small the sea swallows’ birds and amongst this a fin suddenly appears is it a dolphin or a whale it toddles on quite happily whilst I wrestle with my scope trying to figure out what it is a wave and its gone. The disadvantage I have I don’t get to see cetaceans very often as we don’t get many whales or dolphins down here on the reserve. Maybe its time to introduce some into the pond. Now would cause a stir!
The one thing to remember with sea watching when something flies past you only have less than a minute to get your brain into gear. As you get older, apparently you start to forget things, so I’ve been told. I reckon the reason why you forget things it is because your brain gets full up of everything and you just forget, now where was I?
Tomorrow morning, I will be back in the field all wrapped up! I noticed this morning it didn’t get light till 7.25am that may be just the rain nom drought round here!
I have missed the wood pigeons! Surprisingly last month (September) I had only recorded 17 species of birds that is the lowest September ever so hopefully October will fare better.
I don’t like first days back at work, one thing I am week of lie-ins getting up at 6.30am, it really throws the body clock. Coming back to the reserve. Then time to sort out work for the volunteers and the groups and getting ready for brownies you certainly hit the ground at a fair old trot.
It is good to be back. All refreshed and ready to go!
Steve Warrillow
July 2024
Only the second week in and I feel like I’ve done a month. Busy is not the word Beavers, Brownies schools they have all been in and what a cracking we have all had.
It has been mainly pond dipping, how’s the pond doing it is doing marvellous the creature fraternity in the pond is thriving everything is breeding including our latest find found by one of the Beaver groups a Long-bodied water scorpion this thing is big nearly 5 inches long it looks just like a stick insect which I did think it was initially then I went to check up in the excellent Observers book of pond life it turned out to be said beast. And what’s more I found youngsters so not only is it new for the reserve its breeding the warden is a very happy bunny. Talking of bunnies I was told a short while ago there is an invasion of rabbits next to us. We found rabbit poo couple of months back so we will keep an eye out for these furry friends they nibble everything I could leave them a note explaining areas where I would like them to nibble we shall see.
Back to the pond we have started the slow process of pulling out the water soldier that has advanced through the pond over the last few years. Nearly half was taken out last year this year it has come back but thinner in numbers a boat will be heading our way in august so it will be wet, smelly and great fun all being well this year and next year we will – I hope will have removed the pesky stuff. Meanwhile the invertebrates continue breeding g soon we will be doing our sporadic pond surveys. This time aiming at water snails and leeches and water beetles we have pulled a lot of beetle larvae and also a lot of dragonfly hawker larvae so they are doing very well. Though at the time of writing I’ve still yet to see an adult hawker dragonfly we have the exuviae.
It’s coming to the end of a busy week we did manage to have a couple of days up in Dunkeld we got the Osprey at Loch of the Lowes. I also got chance to have a wander round one of my favourite woodland walks in Dunkeld. Here there are some big big trees. Including my favourite a Western hemlock measuring at a mere hundred feet give or take foot or two!
Whilst at Loch of the Lowes I got a copy of the old I-Spy books this one on trees it didn’t take long before I started ticking stuff off in it and the points you gain are cracking on nicely – some will be more difficult to get like a Indian Bean tree will have to have scout round for one of those. Tomorrow – Saturday I have a summer trees identification walk I might even use my I- Spy book. By the way when it’s completed you get a certificate and a badge – I can’t wait to get mine!
Steve Warrillow
June 2024
5:25am Well nobody turned out for the Solstice walk, surprise surprise.
Just finished listening to the shipping forecast on the radio it is always comforting listening to it.
The walk that didn’t happen, it was bliss sat on the bench by the river and the dawn chorus was amazing everybody that could sing sang. Even a wood pigeon had a go.
And it looks like summer may have arrived it has forecast sunny weather, for how long now that’s a question. It been an interesting year so far, you may have noticed its been wet, we have struggled with butterflies, damselflies so far this year no dragonflies you could almost despair however the other day a Wasp beetle one of the long horn beetles was found which was somewhat exciting as it shows our woodland management is now taking effect, long horn beetle feed off rotten wood over the coming years more trees will be felled or will naturally fall down and so will help to build the bio diversity on the reserve all this takes time.
Now the Celebration Day is out of the way more surveying will be undertaken. Next week we have National Insect week so hopefully the sun will shine and bring out the bugs.
We will see.
Steve Warrillow
April 2024
Just about the end of April and today it hasn’t rained so far! I am seriously fed up with rain then sun is out, and I’ve just had my first damselfly of year a Large Red Damselfly. A very happy bunny I am. And today (29 th ) I’ve managed to cut the grass kind of, the ground is still boggy and bumph! I hit am small stump. I don’t think I’ve bent the blade, but the mower came to a sudden halt. I think she is concussed!
She is now in the education centre nursing her wounds. I will let her rest till tomorrow then hopefully she will start if she doesn’t, I’ll take her to the lawnmower vets, I’m pretty sure it’s not terminal.
1 mower down (for the moment) plan be the healthy option – apparently- My scythe she needed a tickle with the sharpening stone. Five minutes later she was up and running and raring to go.
In ages past the upper classes had lawns we had allotments. Where they had gangs of mowers (the correct work for scythe users). They could cut lawns perfectly to a nice, neat trim. For the moment that’s what I will be doing. It was said that the best time to cut the grass would be at first like when the dew was glistening as the sun began to rise. 5am even earlier. Not me too early for me that, hang on I hear your cry you do a dawn chorus at 4am and you’re doing the summer Solstice that one is at a silly o’clock hour!
I guess it would be good to do it then when all you have is the sounds of birds singing and the gentle hum of wind blowing through the trees or the sleepiness of the river nearby. Problem with that is …. I would fall asleep! Ah sleep sounds brilliant 2024 has now got back to normal I have umpteen Brownies, Beavers, Scout groups and a botanist group coming to the reserve on selected evening, it might be wise for me to bring down my bed.
It is all happening as the saying goes, the Canada geese have now hatched and exploring a brave new world. And the other day our first tiny ball of black fluff in the guise of a baby moorhen followed mum from out of the reeds the promptly turned back a nest is the safest place to be.
It looks like its going to be a busy year. If you come down and hear some gentle snoring behind one of our laid hedges don’t disturb me, I will be just catching up with the forty -odd winks.
Steve Warrillow
March 2024
Thursday morning. Its lovely and quiet, I came in to pouring rain, my wellies have now moulded to my feet and I’m starting to eat fish food.
I love silence, quietness, over the last three days the school visit of the year appeared. Pond dipping and it rained on Monday which we got through it these kids were a tough bunch, Tuesday it was sunny Yippee! Wednesday it had poured down over night but brightened up. Though it was muddy the pond dipping platform worked a treat. It didn’t get slippy which was relief.
The kids did well catching Water scorpion’s, damselfly larvae, snails of various sizes. When I got home, I found myself having a little nap. Where do they gat all that energy we are told that they are unhealthy, sluggish etc etc not this lot. They are hoping to come back when the sun shines!
Despite the rain our summer warblers are appearing with our first blackcap singing by the education centre. So apparently spring has arrived. It’s been a busy month with last week National Tree Awareness Week, though the numbers of attendees were small they all seemed to enjoy it. One that went down well was the Opps that trees fallen where we went and looked at fallen and snapped trees, I told them about the benefit of dead and fallen trees, which really doesn’t get discussed.
The Canada geese are back on nest, it looks like she is on eggs, so far, the dog walkers look like they are behaving, lets see how long that lasts. This pair has been nesting here over four years lets seen how they get on. The moorhen has started nest building, I presume it’s the male doing this no doubt someone will correct me! But either way I’m sticking with him. He just plods on back-and-forth day in day out in some ways he looks like the perfect husband! I hope they have a successful year. Unfortunately, the mink has been seen. In years past it has had devastating effect on the moorhen eggs and young. Somebody the other day said their (mink) aren’t bad really. I said nothing.
We had our first Bee - fly of the other day these are insects that parasitic is bees, they are as they fly forwards and backs, and they look very cool. We also had our first butterfly a comma, so spring is defiantly here. Another month the damselflies will be flying. All that to look forward to. And let’s hope less rain, so my feet can have a summer in boots!
Steve Warrillow
February 2024
We are nearly at the end of another month. It’s been busy. Some of the hedging will now have to be left to next autumn. Trees are coming into leaf; daffodils are now showing their full splendour. Birds have now come into full song such as the Whistling thrush or whistling dick, if you came from the Thames valley and you were of a certain age that name would be familiar to you. In the north it was known a Throstle (1) Any ideas see later, and all will be revealed.
The old names of birds are fascinating, there is going to be huge name change of birds in the USA, though alas for political reasons. See the American Bird Association for more information about that. It has caused a real humdinger of a row both for and against. Myself I love the old names like Bearded Reedling the Bearded tit. Doesn’t the name bearded reedling send a sparkle of joy through you. It does me. The name sound exciting and mysterious.
Some birds their old name could cause confusion like Jenny wren (Craven) you would think ah Wren it is in fact Blue tit other names are Ox Eye (East Lothian) Stone chat! Ireland and Pick cheese (Norfolk) Does anyone remember when blue tit stole the cream from the bottle of milk on a cold frosty morning?
How about this one (2) Golden-crested wren, Kinglet, Tot o’er Seas (East Anglia) and Woodcock pilot (Yorkshire coast). Who thought up those names. Now if I said that we have had a Screech owl, what would think, the lads finally lost it! Infect we have had one its more common name is Barn Owl another name is Screaming owl…
Which bird (3) appeared in Shakespeare song ‘when daisies pied and violets blue… in Cornwall it is known as a Cornish Pheasant. who is an Oak Jackdaw (4)
My dress is silent when I tread the ground.
Or stay at home or stir upon the waters.
Sometimes my trappings and the lofty air.
Raise me above the dwelling place of men,
And then the power of clouds carries me far.
Above the people; and my ornaments
Loudly sound, send forth a melody.
And clearly sing when I am not in touch.
With earth or water, but a flying spirit
What bird could this be I will tell you in the next ramblings in March?
Answers 1. Song thrush 2. Goldcrest 3. Magpie. 4.J
Steve Warrillow
January 2024
Firstly, I’m not one for looking for pity, sympathy etc etc. I have got a stinking cold! Or girl flu! It had been creeping up for a couple of weeks. Enough said.
January 2024 firstly should have a very large tip of the hat and a raise a glass for the 100 th Anniversary of the Shipping forecast. What a super thing to have around. Where else can you sit with a cup of tea or something a tad stronger with a bun or cake in total dryness and warm whilst some poor soul is being slung about in a force 12 gale with rain and everything else that will be imminent finished with there’s more rain and gales with a hint of snow then Good. How cruel is that I bet the chaps happily bobbing up and down in the waves turning a funny shade of green. I did hear mentioned a few years ago that sea sickness is only in the mind! I know someone who defiantly disagrees with that statement! I always wonder if the reader of the shipping forecast in their nice warm dry studio are smiling when they say Good! It is also known that these presenters find it a great honour to read the shipping forecast they all say it’s a great pressure knowing that they mustn’t make a mistake. I find it very reassuring that most sea goers still tune in to the Shipping forecast even though there are the modern computers that aid and help save lives out at sea.
It’s been a busy January with all the winds and rain trees have been leaning and falling over so the chainsaw has been very busy. And who is now wishing the morning would be lighter!
There has been major work down by the large pond we have just had built a new 26metre pond dipping platform and it is looking for brill. Life will be so much easier especially in next couple of months I will have had two schools in one with just shy of fifty children and the other 80 children. Freshwater shrimp lesser water boatmen and hog louse. A pike swam by doing its best Jaws impersonation.
Its going to be a very busy year this year as we have lots of events coming up including a weeklong celebration of trees and a weeklong celebration of insects.
The volunteers will also be kept busy. I think I could break out into a sweat steady now, steady.
Steve Warrillow
December 2023
Another year and almost done. Just four days and it will be all over back to normality Thank Goodness! It’s been a funny old year. The walks and events have plodded on. I’ve just finished the events for 2024 and we have a hell of a lot of walks etc. it’s going to be a busy one hopefully.
The highlight however for December was that we went to Oxford, now I’m not a city type I prefer the civility of the countryside, but Oxford is an exception I just love the place and why?
The Natural History Museum, it is a gem. And the last time I went the dinosaurs were wrapped in bubble wrap – of course!
This time they were unwrapped. The reason for being bubble wrapped was that the roof of the museum was being worked on. They put in the original glass ceiling and by heck what a stunner. We were in there for over two and half hours and I could have stayed longer in fact I would like to sleep there which they do evening sessions. Maybe in the future who knows? When I was in there I did escape from the real world which was I do say was a very special place to be.
Then it was all done and back to reality and the rain and wind. Another tree decided to give up the ghost and fell over. In 2024 I have a couple of walks where I will be concentrating on the positives of dead and fallen trees, if you want to know more and are intrigued check the website and posters and come along.
It’s a funny old feeling leading up to Yuletide, the urge for silence and one’s own company is over whelming. You can if you try you can escape the hassle and aggravation of this time of year. And tomorrow it is the Winter Solstice and that means the days will start to grow. However this time of year is great for early morning sunrises, and is great to have a stroll and listen to the bird song getting ready for next year’s breeding season.
But till then it’s time for a cup of tea and feet up and a well-earned relaxation. So till next year have a good Yuletide and see you down on the reserve.
Steve Warrillow
November 2023
Well less than a month now till Christmas, its starting to get cold, though not as cold as Austria, I’ve just received a picture of a forest in Austria, Emma and Marlene are off for a week doing the Christmas markets. The picture snow everywhere and proper snow, the deep stuff. How I wish we would get it here.
Things are changing within the last week the feeding station is filling up with customers especially blackbirds. There was an interesting catch at Ripon where I do my ringing training. The other day they caught a blackbird that was run in Norway!
So, it is worth checking the blackbirds that come into your garden, if it’s got a ring on its leg take a picture of its leg! If you are that lucky, you can find out where it came from, just got to the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) website and check for bird finds. Let them, know the species (if known) and its ring number and the date and they will let you know where it was rung etc. this also includes dead birds.
Back to our birds, I now have all the mallards from west Yorkshire at moment this is what happens when you put out bird food. One of the best foods is frozen peas it doesn’t matter if it’s the cheap stuff or the dear stuff they love it! It can cause a talking point when somebody sees you throwing peas out for the birds.
We had a little change of feeders on the Spider club feeding station, we took down the peanut feeders as the squirrels had eaten the feeders including the squirrel proof feeders. There is now tables and ground feeding tables’, and it is working a treat.
Though there are more tables I’m still putting out the same amount of food. But everything is spread out and we are now getting Jays in we also had two song thrush which we rarely get in the feeding station.
I’m just about to start putting the 2024 calendar together it is looking like it’s going to be a busy year with several birdwatching for beginner days and one we’ve not done before a weekly moth trap empty one or two people have been asking about the moths. We will also be doing a weeklong national tree awareness event and national insect week events. So, lots to look forward to.
As it’s coming up to Christmas, I did a stall at the Oddfellows Christmas fair last weekend run by our very own Emma. She and Sam did a cracking job. I took some homemade Reindeers down and I sold one of mine and one made by Donna. Next year we will be going into full production!
Before then, infect now I see the tea urn is beckoning so it’s time for a cup of tea and a sandwich.
Steve Warrillow
October 2023
In the last couple of weeks, I have let’s say at on be with nature. I have been particularly good at finding wasp nests and they have been inclined to snuggle up to me as in getting under my shirt then having a wander un my arm making pretty patterns using needle work in the guise of stings. And, yesterday whilst preparing an area for some weekend work they came out in force to do a meet and greet again they wanted to snuggle up this time under my top as expected the let rip over my belly! I’ve got used to it now, but the most irritating thing is I am a big fan of wasps; anything that can have a self-re-loading sting machine in them has to be cool! But the day after the stingy bits don’t have itch, I must remember not to scratch that itch.
The vismig this season is plodding on however this morning I recorded over a hundred wood pigeons. I’m still waiting for the first redwings to come through that hopefully will be in the next couple of weeks. Who knows what is going to fly over.
Now its October its time to whip out the old billhook the hedging season has begun there are several areas where we will be hedging. There will be plenty of tree felling to open new areas to help increase the biodiversity on the reserve. A few years ago, some Aspen were felled, and we left logs in the grassland areas they are now covered with grass and moss and starting to decompose very nicely thank you.
If you visit the reserve over the winter, you will notice more log piles. We placed some logs in the woodland area by the Spider club last January/February time. Last months Spider club went ferreting under the logs and there were sheds full of woodlice and others including slugs which by the way if you get a slug don’t put it in a specimen tube, they are a beggar ton get out leave everything all slimy yuck! Best way is to photograph them, and did you know they are evil to identify most are variable in colour for example the black slug be yellow apparently. Isn’t wildlife wonderful!
And that’s what makes it the most wonderfully cracking thing ever.
Steve Warrillow
September 2023
I’ve just reached the first half of the September vismig season and so far, well numbers low but surprises very high the beauty of looking up into the skies is that you never know what will appear. In this case Cattle Egret not one but eleven! Initially I thought when I saw them as they flew over the horizon from where I was watching they were little egret which I have recorded on numerous occasions.
I saw these birds that appeared from behind Buck woods then flew south viewing time less than a minute they were shifting! I fell into the trap of sending out the record without thinking! Easily done.
Once it was up on social media a message came back ‘you sure they weren’t cattle egret?’ the great plaque of birding then appeared doubt. It is a horrible thing. I did mention it a local ‘birder’ who then totally ripped into me and belittled my sighting!
Which was a little surprising and very rude considering it was in front of another visitor. Birding can be a very cruel venture. Doubt had set in. I checked the books and luckily there were two distinctive identification features the most important being its feet. Little egret has yellow feet Cattle had dark feet. My birds had dark feet! Now in my defence I have never seen cattle egret feet and never seen a flock of them flying, flight is also an identification feature as they fly in a disorderly fashion. Very much like my organising my day-to-day duties! I must have cattle egret in my blood!
The egrets were a new species for the reserve. Later, thinking about it I have found two rare birds for the reserve, and both were heron species the last being a Night heron. It was nice to have as the day before I had travelled to South Gare in Cleveland to see a Brown booby and species of gannet.
The vismig for the rest of the week continued to be steady as in nowt much came through. As I write this week’s anniversary from seeing the cattle egret it is pouring down outside so the vismig is dead! Hopefully tomorrow it will kick off again.
Its being a very busy week on the reserve we started by clearing out the old cabin. After a call out three volunteers came out two of which let’s say are getting on in age and they did a cracking job. We cleared 90% of the cabin the rubbish? Well, it was from the 2016 flood it seems years ago when on that fateful boxing day flood where we disappeared under about fifteen feet of water then the following weekend 80+ volunteers came out to help sort out the reserve. In two hours, most of the reserve was clear. However, on the day we had filled the skips and still we had a lot of rubbish left so thinking on the spot and sure you have all done this you have a cupboard, shed whatever and you must get rid of rubbish, and you think ‘put it in there I’ll sort it later!’ we did just that! Now interestingly everything was dry and the bags all intact and we filled yet another skip plus more!
What we going to do with said cabin. it will be our new tool shed, once we have removed the old tool shed which has let’s say passed its sell by date!
That will be yet another adventure...
Steve Warrillow
August 2023
The one walk of the year which I was a little concerned was the Original Grimms tales. If you have never read them, they are interesting as the originals are to say Grimm. There is a lot of nasty stuff in them. But all have a moral tale to tell as these stories were originally warnings. So, on the day 8 adults and one child turned up. I read a story called when children like to play killing! I did warn the parent. She said it was fine. The child she loved it, but her favourite was Little Red Cap or Little Red Riding hood. I did over ten stories and then a little walk around the reserve. It turned out to be a cracking walk. So far this year we have done Fairies and Scandinavian folk tales all of them had gone down well. It is so nice to feel that people still like a good story.
Autumn is coming or technically arrived, there has been a steady passage of chiffchaffs through the odd swallow and the other day the first Little Egret of the autumn. In the next a couple of weeks the vismig will start yet again. Two months of staring up into the skies and watching dots, counting them. It is very relaxing I kid you not.
Moths are still being caught it’s not been a bad year. Though the other day whilst emptying the moth trap I attracted an unwanted but unknown visitor. I had to go up to HR at Denso where I was told there was a wasp wandering in my beard. Now not feeling anything, I ignored it. I went back to the reserve did all my bits and bobs. Went home and that afternoon went for my weekly walk-up St Ives estate in Harden with a mate of mine. We did our walk, then stopped as we do, at our favourite bench sorted out the world the as I stood up my little guest must have woken up it promptly stung me on my arm the hand then a twinge on my knee and then quietly pleased with itself it flew off into the woods.
Meanwhile having been used to being stung over the years I itched all the way home. The next morning, I did check for any wasps including my little guest from the day before. Thankfully their were none.
But I guess in the dark areas of the wood wasps were a planning...
Steve Warrillow
June 2023
7.30am, just starting the Ramblings been on the reserve since 4am. The reason, the summer Solstice, it started very well as I came over Glovershaw I came face to face with a Hare. A very special animal on this special day so there was a tip of the hat to each other then we both went our own ways.
The reserve was alive with bird song there was no shortage of blackbirds! I sat by the river and waited for sunrise, though there was low cloud covering the horizon. When the sun rose and was visible the shadows and reflections were a real treat. It was nice to sit there and soak it all up after the last few weeks hectic time due to the Celebration Day that went so well it felt like a dream.
This year’s number were down due to the weather being hot, so most people decided it was better to jump in their cars head to the coast to be stuck in traffic have a row with the other half and kids wittering "are we there yet?"
Then on arrival there would be no where to park, another row, then once parked join the herds of other coast lovers, eat over priced ice cream then head back stuck in the traffic sitting in a sweat box because the air conditioning had broken a few weeks before and was forgotten to be mended, another row kids wittering now the dog barking and the traffic now come to a stand still because a electric car has just run out of juice!
Meanwhile, the sun is out, it is getting warm all the exhibits set up and the first punters walk through, smiling, chatting, then visiting the refreshments for a Scotch egg or Cornish slab both were best sellers! And a cup of tea a stroll down by the pond after checking the plant stall and tombola.
Stopping to sing along with the ukeleles and a hint of pond dipping then a stroll over the bridge and come away with your face painted. And no arguments just smile. The celebration day that day I noticed it was all smiles.
But no Scotch eggs or Cornish slabs as they had been eaten by the time I got there.
That is not a worry because next year I will be at the front of the queue!!!
Steve Warrillow
May 2023
Here we are nearly mid may have you seen your first swift of the year yet. I got my first the other day over at Swillington Ings in Leeds. Here on the reserve the skies are empty but I bet as soon as I’ve finished scribbling this I step out of the education centre and bang there will be one or maybe a few whizzing about my head! Times going a tad too fast for me just looked at calendar one month to go and it’s the celebration day on Saturday 10th June. It sorted as best it can be no doubt some spanners will be thrown into the works as we grow nearer and it turns my beard a little greyer. I will blink on the day and it will be done just pray for sun but not too hot!
This years newt trapping has just begun, a slow start so far but a belting male smooth newt was caught last night talking of slow starts moths its like pulling teeth at the moment though we have had our first Poplar hawkmoth of the year. It defiantly feels like walking through thick, thick mud. Though last night caught first two swallow prominent and a pug sp. Pugs are small grey or brown and are incredibly difficult to identify and to make things worse they are variable. Just typing this as brought on a migraine.
Next weekend we are going to have our first ever Fairy walk all centred around the paintings of Cicely Mary Barker a prominent botanical artist that also did fairies the pictures of the plants and trees are astounding and each plant as its own fairy. Most of the plants we have on the reserve as a fairy. Technically we should be tripping over them, gently of course. I always think of fairies as damselflies what do you think. I am sure the Cottingley fairies will be mentioned along the way on Saturday. I also like the idea that one of the sisters of the Cottingley fairies did say one of the pictures was real. Now that is what I call style. Why should we have to know everything, why not let our imaginations run riot. It is nice to think. Talking of dragonflies we have had our first damselflies a Azure blue female and large red damselflies makes me wonder are they preparing for next weekend.
The Canada geese fledged seven goslings, they were early and were gone within a week this may have been disturbance, dogs and photographers I presume they are probably over at Roberts park. The challenge would be to find them I know I could me and male Canada goose became good mates. Interestingly for next year after they had fledged another pair came in and inspected the nest will they be back next year. And if so, feathers may fly.
Its stopped raining outside so I am going to go and put out the bird food, I’m not a fair weather warden, these days I find I am beginning to creak it can’t be a age thing surely. There is plenty of life in this old cat. Now where are my boots I’m sure I had them on my feet!
Steve Warrillow
February 2023
I know this rambling is early this month. It’s only the 2 nd February but felt a big urge to scribble it no doubt there will be other stuff that may cross my mind later but that will be by the by.
Just a quick catch up on the deer front I hadn’t seen the deer since October or so and no sightings then low and behold 1 st February just after I had finished another day. I locked up and walked to the tarmac path and Wham! One male and two female Roe deer! I don’t honestly know who was more surprised. I did however wish them a Happy New Year, it would be rude not to or course. Then asked how they were then took the most rubbishy photograph of them. They turned and wandered off. I do have to say I was mightily relieved to see them. I had a spring in my step as I went to my car.
2nd February, most important this to do wish my mum happy birthday, that sorted and done, she’s doing well and I’m covered for another year! I checked the moth trap a Mottle umber, a female first moth trapped in trap for 2023. The excitement was unbearable how was I going to cope. Then completed the 2022 annual report this time it wasn’t novel length more like a short story. Ah the relief. Also got bird food had mallards queuing at door, they are patient. And also got Nula our cat some dreamies she had almost run out now that would have been a disaster, if she didn’t get her dreamies, it hardly bare thinking about I can see her paw typing the number for the Cat protection crew. Everybody’s sorted.
With all that done now time to sort rest of bird food out and go feed some hungry beaks. Then continue the mammoth hedge up by the Spider club feeding station. It is a beast, the floods when they come will retreat in dismay when they see it and hopefully by the end of the year the odd nesting thrush will be in there. And I better say, rightly so a tip of the hat to the volunteers who had hacked, chopped tugged probably swore binding in branches and trees, yesterday put a thirty five foot tree trunk into the hedge. As I wrote that the wood mouse popped out looked up amazed at that. He heard me, I usually mumble as I’m writing this. Which is normal cos I’m usually mumbling to my self anyhow. And its now 10.45am so lots to do. Who knows what else will come up in the next few days watch this space
Steve Warrillow
January 2023
The final days of January. The month seems to have flown its been busy. No snow yet hopefully in February. Its been an interesting month concerning the Roe deer as there hasn’t been any sightings since November last year. This is very unusual there has been a lot of activity and disturbance with the general public it used to be poachers. I know the deer had been busy over the Christmas period it could be that they are on a extended holiday! Looking forward to when they return.
Now the days are getting longer things are now being to grow there are daffodils nearly in flower, no snowdrops yet. There are hazels breaking into leaf if you look closely at the buds of the hazel you may see some very tiny flowers which are not as conspicuous as the lambs tails.
Birds are already starting to get frisky, blue tit, great tit and dunnocks have been seen pairing up. As I write this there is a almighty thump above my head. Mallard my pair have just arrived for breakfast. Two moments I’ll be back. Back done my duty wildlife are so demanding! Where was I, birds are now pairing up it been a right pleasure to come in on a morning welcomed by song thrush in full song; spring is nothing but four weeks to away. Hopefully it will get warm too. As for the now I’m looking forward to see the first frogspawn of the year. It will come before we know it.
Steve Warrillow
December 2022
The first snow gently fell thew other day it settled for a short while around its been minus 3 and everybody has been surprised social media going crazy conspiracy theories etc etc. some of us quietly smiled to ourselves and knew that now winter had begun it happens every year surprisingly. Things were looking to take the change over the last couple of weeks with the bird feeders being very busy. It was nice to see nuthatch as well as the usual suspects, titmice, dunnock, robins et all.
A couple of months ago whilst on one of our monthly walks a grey squirrel was seen dragging what appeared to be a dead squirrel up to a dray. This proved somewhat puzzling. So the other day I was ringing down at Stocksbridge with Jon and Ian. Ian works with red squirrels so I asked him about this encounter with the grey it aturned what had happened was that it was a adult grey taking its youngster to another dray though the dragged squirrel looked like a adult. It is difficult as well to age squirrels when they get to teeanger level!
We had our last Spider club session the spiders decorated the education centre and the tree outdoors. Everything now has become very sparkly not long till the winter solstice and day length will lengthen. But now at present it’s a wind down towards Yuletide.
Lets hope 2023 will be more productive and wishing everyone a great Yuletide
Steve Warrillow
November 2022
The final day of the 2022 vismig season has now passed it went out with a reasonable amount of birds both Fieldfare and Redwing passed through. It will be interesting over the coming weeks when hopefully things will cool down that may bring more birds through. It has been interesting this year the majority of the wood pigeons in particular have come through from the east there has been few from the west. Normally as the season closes there are good numbers from the west but not this year. We will see. It has been a warm one throughout only had to wear hat and gloves twice. Even the visit to the butty van has been few and far between saved me money I guess.
As I write this there is thick fog outdoors which has knocked any plans for going out birding. Having said that a few years ago I had what has to be one of my top 5 birding experiences. It was march time I had planned to go to Swillington Ings near Leeds to do a bit of birding. Woke up early looked out it was an absolute pea soupier first though head back under duvet and snore the morning away. Then no I thought go my target bird that morning was bittern it didn’t matter if I didn’t see one but would defiantly hear one. Flask prepped sandwiches done I did a steady drive of minus ten miles an hour it took nearly a month to get there – it felt like it. On arrival my car quietly unseen in the fog. It was so thick it stuck to my face I could not see further than two feet in front of, me. I set off walking leaving the scope in car as it clearly wouldn’t be needed walking along the riverside path I decided if I kept in the same general direction I would be ok. If I was to stray there would a suddenly lack of path and I would be in the river. I finally arrived at the reserve and there it was the bittern a single boom it went right through me in the distance black headed gulls made their racket the e odd duck quaked or whistled then another boom I stood motionless waiting for it to call again minutes past then another boom at least three bittern s were calling and I had it all to myself bliss. Then a few moments’ later two shapes approached a gap and a small dog. We exchanged pleasantries on good the weather was! Then he said, I have changed the exact wording so some of my more sensitive readers won’t get alarmed the conversation went. I say my good chap did you hear that it scared the living be Jesus out of me what could it have been?’ if you really want to know what was really said ask when you see me next! I replied that was a bitten on off our rarest breeding herons in the uk’ he was relieved to hear that he did leave mumbling ‘I’ll be ‘aving nightmares I will, nelieve me I will!’
As we parted the sun had just managed to crack through the fog and more shapes began to appear. It was now 8am and I thought it was now time to leave. I left with the everlasting memory of the bittern calling deep within the fog.
Steve Warrillow
September 2022
Nearly, but not quite the end of the first month of the 2022 vismig season. So far it has been very quiet. Even the wood pigeons are down the highlight so far is a Little egret that has passed through over the last few days it appears though not totally sure to be coming from roost at Esholt. Pretty soon the first movements of redwings will be coming over.
It’s been a very busy month so far tonight will the fourth brownie/beaver group in the last fortnight. Tonight twenty six (plus more I reckon) will be planting 2 fruit trees a pear and an apple for the Queen’s jubilee. It will be frantic. I had forgotten smaller and younger sized people have a lot of energy unlike when you get a tad older things ache and the thought of home to bed with a cup of cocoa sounds a blessing. Noooo I love the chaos. One of the groups we had this time been looking for bats we found some. Then I had a cunning idea the iron bridge over the river where there are Daubenton’s bats. That would be a good place to go so off we trotted the light was dimming bats were heard through the bat detector and some of the group could hear the bats. Me I have no chance a lifetime of Metal music and punk with a hint of Johnny cash and a nip of chainsaws have made me slightly hard of hearing some have said conveniently !
We got the bridge a few bats were flitting about then some of the group ran over the bridge to the other side, following them a group were talking ghost stories when we got to the other side I told the group to turn off their torches and we then walked back over the bridge in darkness the squeals and shrieks were a delight to hear. Followed by lots of laughing and the older ones trying to scare each other with ghostly happenings. It was a sheer delight with all this social media stuff there deep down is the ability to think and imagine and to have fun!
When we returned to the reserve I left them has they went back up the path to be greeted by their parents I could hear the shrieks and laughter and the children were nicely hyper to go home with. It had helped when we had heard three tawny owls which added to the atmosphere.
I then was faced with walking through on woodland footpath back up to the education centre further through the wood I could see shimmers of light through the trees where I was by now in complete darkness. I did feel a twinge of my hairs on the back of my neck rising. And did I? Have somebody or something following me…..
Steve Warrillow
August 2022
Two days left for August and then my annual vismig season will start. Standing in the field next door and stare into the sky and hope!
Birds have already been passing through the reserve with good numbers of chiffchaff and also willow warbler, which was good as there was only one spring record with a single male singing. It has been interesting as some of the movement happened between 11.20am to 11.30am through the phragmites reeds on the large pond. All this was observed whilst I was in the pond, clearing some of the water soldier, which has, let’s say, bred and spread. So armed with grappling hook and ditching rake there was a lot of pulling and tugging and build-up of muscles. You certainly find out bits that you would never think would leave you aching!
At least it keeps me fit. Allegedly!
From now it will be very very busy for the next two weeks, we will be scything throughout the reserve. A few areas will be left to see what happens when they are left. All the mowing’s will be raked and staked, hopefully the piles will attract various invertebrates, mice and, if on a real outside chance, grass snake, it has been several years since they were seen on the reserve. However the local population has declined over the few years, several years ago the highest count was 13 on the canal by the swing bridge at the top of Buck lane.
Pretty soon there will be the new 2023 events list for next year. I am putting together a full programme as this year has been a small selection of walks and workshops. I am looking for any of our members of the Friends group who think they might like to lead a walk on the reserve. If anyone has that burning urge to do so, get in touch.
So what are on offer for next year, I am hoping to try out some new walks and events, we will also bring back the school holiday events. So we will be very busy. Some of the events may involve fairies and spooky goings on! Watch this space!
But what of now, well a cup of tea in hand and the new pad for notes for the vismig season and here’s hoping for several thousand wood pigeons!
Steve Warrillow
July 2022
The temperature has finally decreased. I don’t do heat very well in fact I just crumble give me chilliness any day! However it has been good we had our largest catch of individual species of moths ever with 43 species caught with several new species recorded that was on the hottest day ever (apparently) recorded. We were warmer several thousands of years ago when the big stuff were wandering about alas there are no dinosaurs wandering round the reserve at the moment. Not that I know of. Of course! There are some dinosaurs about in the guise of birds. One of which I have several records this month the Little egret a medium sized white heron which ten years ago was unheard of here. It has caused some debate I remember once encountering a chap on the reserve who was very excited he pointed to a pure white heron and told me it was an albino heron. I corrected him by telling him it was in fact a little egret and was an exciting find at the time. Oh no, it was an albino heron and nothing would shift him from that diagnosis. Sighing I put my best ever wardens smile on and said no it is a little egret. No joy. I knew nothing. We don’t get egrets around here he said. I pointed that’s one. We were in stalemate. It would take a long time before any advancement would be made. I continued to smile. It’s an albino heron. At that point I felt my hackles rise. My smile took a downward turn. It is a little egret I repeated. ‘No it isn’t it’s an albino heron’ he retorted back at me.
I once again raised my frown to a smile. Ok I said obviously you are right. Have a lovely day. He went on his way I suspect feeling triumphant. I went back to the education centre a brew and took a biscuit and angrily demolished it. Then continued my day.
Back to moths I have what some would say a rather cynical view of my next adventure with moths I’m trying the micro’s, the tiny brown jobs that take weeks to identify. But it’s my next step up in my moffing! I have caught several which surprisingly I have managed to identify myself which makes me feel kind of knowledgeable for the moment. However I do use the Yorkshire moths Facebook page which is excellent which does have some damned good moth experts on there. Hats off to them all. So far this month I have caught 86 species 5 of which are new. I’ve just emptied the trap this morning, there were 3 Poplar hawkmoths the big ones! Then dingy footman, double lobed pale prominent which looks like a broken twig and tiny thing which is less than 1mm long has stripes and out comes the Lewington moth book and Manly photographic book and the couple of aspirin’s…. Oh and then if all else fails Yorkshire moths.
Steve Warrillow
June 2022
To say I’m getting a little fed up of sniffling, sneezing, eyes itching aching and not really want to get up on a morning and just hide away in my cocoon of a bed is an understatement. I hate hay-fever I have gone a lifetime without it affecting me the one minute past my 5oth birthday the aches started and the snuffles.
Dosed with pills I’m ready to go. Mowing strimming, surveying for ladybirds in long grass great for the hay-fever but I battle on and I will beat it!
It has been an interesting year so far moths are starting to build up quite nicely I was very happy this month to have caught Small elephant hawkmoth and its bigger cousin Elephant hawkmoth. One catch produced 5 elephants. All we need to do now is catch garden tiger and we have almost gone African!
It’s a great time of year and a challenging one especially on the identification front people come and ask me I had this bug in my garden it was red and black Ah! Ladybird species, no, no comes the reply I know my lady birds it wasn’t one of those. How big was it sort of large but not small and then it flew off …. I had a bird in my garden it was brown, ok and what else.. It was brown so what was it? I’m afraid I’m not sure then I get the look so I thought you were a wildlife expert. I smile. Then ping! On my mobile phone, little brother who is in Africa with the army. ’ Ey up big bro I had these moths and these bugs I’ve sent you pics (lots of) what are they?’
They are bugs and moths I reply I struggle with the avifauna of the creatures in Africa as I don’t go over very often. In fact I’ve never been. But it is an interesting challenge I now have ID books of birds from all over Africa now, so for once I may be an expert!
It is always worth listening because sometimes you can come with a surprise or two one of my regulars came down and collared me Steve I had this in my garden last night then they promptly show me a video of an otter wandering about their patio!
The jaw dropped.
Snuffle. As I write this I have text ‘Steve I’ve just had this today what is it’ and off I go again the adventure continues.
Steve Warrillow
May 2022
It’s come that time of year. The Canada geese have now moved on with 4 chicks in tow. Hopefully they will now have a welcome rest-bite from being chased by dogs! It has been particularly bad this year. We have started ringing of the chicks in the nest boxes, unfortunately no Nuthatch in boxes this year. At present we have around 70 chicks some are very much ready to fledge all fully feathered and attitude to go with it whilst others are still sat on eggs. This year there has been no consistence with the laying. It was a real delight and please to start ringing this year’s chicks. The chicks we are ringing are both Great and Blue tit. We are more of a great tit site.
The volunteers are continuing with the botany survey they have just completed 16 areas. They have done exceptionally well as most of the plants weren’t in flower. I find birds far far easier. The newt survey has drawn to a close numbers are down but I believe it is more to do with flood of 2016 and the pandemic as during the pandemic we weren’t able to survey so this year are on survey overkill!
Its great fun especially one volunteer has been thrown in at the deep end - though not literally as he has been introduced to damselfly larvae identification! We have been looking for the exuviae or larvae skins of these insect to date we haven’t any though there are damselflies flying about. That was until last night a local cubs pack came down to get their Naturalist badge and one eagle eyed cub spotted the first exuviae of the year not having a tub I ended up carrying it around the reserve for the the rest of the session hoping there wouldn’t be a big gust of wind that would blow it away into oblivion! Thankfully that didn’t happen if it had oh my I would have wept!
The other day at last I saw the first swifts fly over the reserve it’s been a long time coming the previous week 4 House martins flew over heading north. But no Swallows yet.
I happened to look at my calendar and with a great shock I realised the celebration day is nothing but two and half weeks off. A ten second panic. Then all calm and collected. It’s like Christmas you think it’s a long way off then Bang! There it is!
A morning of contacting everybody and sorting stuff out and a feeling a excitement considering it feels like a lifetime since we had the last one. We have just about all the usual exhibitors for this year. Plus extras plus a very surreal and cracking one the building of an Osprey nest the woods ready all we will need will be plenty of young Ospreys to come and build it then get them entangled in wool whilst making a spiders web. It’s going to be so exciting. And of course Buns and cakes.
If you come down on the 11th June you may also see the warden walking around with a ukulele and listen out for it being out of tune and being played on one string!
It’s going to be great see you there!
Steve Warrillow
April 2022
Isn’t the year passing us by, the clocks have gone forward and so technically there should be plenty more time to gets things done. No, no, no the jobs to do list has now gotten bigger. It is the same down on the reserve.
Groups are now starting to book events, the first school has been and gone and what a joy that was I have missed the thrill and excitement that young ones bring- these were the 8 year olds. Nobody fell in the pond which was good. And loads of bugs were found, it was a bit of a challenge to remember everything but the Observers book of pond life is a life saver!
It has also helped that this year we are doing a full survey of the reserve, botanical, the ponds as well as the usual crew, birds, moths, butterflies. It has been quite exciting as I saw for the first time (for me) toad spawn, Paul one of the Wednesday gang volunteers was highly amused at how the warden got all excitable! I don’t care it was ace! Luckily this year the spawn wasn’t taken by the heron or people coming and pinching it.
The Canada’s are back nesting for their third year hopefully they won’t be harassed by dogs and photographers we have had problems especially with dogs off leads and let to run wild so far unfortunately one nest has been abandoned. Hopefully the birds will have another brood.
It was nice the other day I saw long tailed tits with nest material and only this morning a blackbird was seen with food so she is definitely feeding young hopefully we will have a good breeding season.
The weather has been grand over the last week so hopefully the first large red damselflies will emerge another good reason for the warden to get all excited. The moths are plodding on hopefully we will soon have the chunky moths, Poplar hawkmoths and I wonder will we have another first for Yorkshire somehow I doubt it but you never know.
As I write this I am preparing a Creative writing workshop, see the warden can do two jobs at once, sort of! It’s been awhile since we had a writing session down here a few years ago we had a really nice group who came down to the reserve where formed our own writers group it did quite well for over a year. There were some quality scribbling done.
After I’ve done this it’s time for a wander around the reserve to get some ideas one of which is to write whilst walking I’ve written several short stories whilst walking including whilst walking through the reserve. I’ve written a few at St Ives it can be good early on about 5am before the world descends upon it.
I’ve just looked out of the window and saw some yellow flowers, aha I got my first line ‘I wandered as lonely as a cloud’ can’t do that pretty sure it’s been done before.
Steve Warrillow
March 2022
Spring as arrived! The clocks have gone forward lost an hour in bed somewhere! There’s more daylight and things are starting to get moving and everyone expects you to adhere to their every command!
The first school will arrive shortly the first in at least three years or nearly feeling like a lifetime! Am I worried course not!!
There will be chaos for an hour or so and the amazing thing about these visits especially with children once it starts a blink of your eye and it’s done. Herding kittens is a quote that comes to mind and is as just as much fun. There hopefully will be shouts and screams of joy when the first bugs are whipped out of the pond, and I will prove that men can multi-task when I have a thousand questions asked from all the points of the compass. Then when it is all done and I’m tidying up and they leave and the silence. Just me and the reserve and maybe a rumble of a forklift from the factory. And calm.
A cup of tea a biscuit always helps at the end of the session. Then a walk around the reserve to see if everything is alright and check if there needs to be any therapy for the odd frog or toad who had been snoozing quite happily only to woke up up by a bunch of over excited children!
I am really looking forward to it this session is the smaller one’s so everything is an adventure, why do they have to grow up!
The first spring warblers are now coming in the first Blackcap was singing this morning and the chiffchaffs seem now to have settled in. The Canada’s are nesting once again the male gives me the hiss first thing on a morning then quickly becomes my mate when he sees the food I’ve brought to the feeding station, he gets a handful. The moorhens are at nest. Let’s hope we don’t have the same problems as the last couple of years with dogs chasing the birds and photographer’s trying to get that ‘perfect’ shot. The birds don’t need it they have enough stress as it is.
Let’s hope for a better year this year.
Steve Warrillow
January 2022
Drove into a pea souper this morning and it took ages to defrost the car. Took even longer to defrost the warden. Who would think we are nearly at the back end of January; I remember the days when January lasted months or at least felt like it? It has gone so fast this time I almost counted how many sleeps to Christmas! No! No! No!
It’s been a very productive start to 2022. A new life bird tucked under my belt. With a Belted Kingfisher seen over the border just down from Preston it was a cracking bird. I have seen one before I had seen one in Texas many moons ago. I just need to see our kingfisher which seems to be somewhat elusive.
Its always grand to start a new year, you feel all raring to go. Then that dwindles by February, not this year, things are looking on the up with three schools have been in touch and walks resuming in February. And dare I say hopefully touch wood and anything else that appears to be lucky the Celebration Day will be back on.
And work has been cracking on, on the reserve areas have been cleared so we can re -instate wildflower areas there will be a lot of scything done in spring onwards on selected areas. We have now hedges popping up all over the place, dead ones, laid ones soon newly planted ones – we have about two hundred trees going into one area which will be laid in several years’ time and will hopefully provide habitat for various bits of wildlife especially wood mice. Which now have been using my chainsaw boots as a cosy nesting area. They must have no sense of smell!
In the next week I will be working on the 2021 reserve report the main highlight will be our first for Yorkshire which has been recorded with the county recorder. Anarsia imosiella and it was also new to science in 2017 now that’s what I say is a good one. There were also two other moths which were new for the area. The traps already been on caught nothing so far, but I live in hope. It will be interesting to see what appears in the coming years and if the grassland areas will make a difference.
One thing I am really looking forward to this year is continuing ringing there is now two new ringing rides so hopefully we will catch more birds, the big question is will we have nesting nuthatch again we can all but see. I really do hope so.
And as for the birding so far this year I’m on 84 species of bird still not had any woodpeckers, the kingfisher and quite a few bits and bobs am I going to after lots of years absence going to do a year list ask me again in March!
Till then I’m going to search for that ever-elusive kingfisher!
Steve Warrillow
September 2021
After a several final checks it was time to wander off the reserve it would be ok it would look after itself for at least a week. I was sure I was right.
Findochty on the Moray coast is a medium sized fishing town. Though now it looks like most of the houses are now holiday homes. The house was compact and very comfortable and my room had a window that looked out to the sea. When we arrived a few squalls headed our way the weather was good as the week went on the went poor, sunshine and warmth and westerly winds by the end of the week the weather turned back fine north easterly and rain. Throughout the week there had been a movement of stonechats and wheatears. My scope was set up for sea watching and in comfort and it would be dry and warm what more could a guy wish for. I was then was brought back to reality the rain hit with a thud as did the window as I shut it. Saving the room a soaking.
The first morning involved a lie in till six thirty the rain had ceased the wind was still blowing but the scope was steady. Now most of you will know that I like to spend my time at this time of the year looking to the skies counting dots.
Now sea watching is very similar to vismigging except you look downwards at the sea. Which is fine except if you have sampled a few drinks the evening before it only takes the sight of one big wave and you find out if you’re a real seaman.
Vismigging is a lot easier as you can get a reasonable chance to identify the bird flying over your head unlike sea watching where you will get a maximum of 20 seconds of viewing time with the added bonus of waves surging up and down and hiding your bird who then will quite deliberately disappear and never appear again. And this will be viewed from about 2 miles away.
Throughout the week there had be wrecks of dead guillemots and other birds, it apparently transpires it was young birds and this does happen every year. There was a cracking fulmar on Monday and we went home on the following Sunday 6 days in the car doubled bagged – of course no not possible! I did collect lots of feathers which is a good challenge for identification. I brought home a few bags of feathers. The Spider club will enjoy them.
It came to Sunday and we headed home. The reserve was still there and plodding on.
The fulmar? It was still on the beach still in perfect condition.
Steve Warrillow
July 2021
What an interesting month July has been. Let’s just say it has been productive on the wildlife front on a personal level. We had just got into July everything was settled and moving steadily then my pager decided to make things a little complicated. At the end of a particular day there was a mega alert on the pager a Black browed albatross appeared at Bempton cliffs RSPB. This was a returning bird from last year and a few years previously. I wept. It had flown in did a few fly pasts shook people by the hands them said farewell and of it trotted. The Black browed albatross well any albatross species has been a lifetime bird of mine to see. I know I could save up and make a quick dash to the southern hemisphere but money to me is like water it pours then soon disappears. I also wanted to see one in the UK even better in Gods own country Yorkshire. So, imagine my disappointment it came it went so be it. However as with life, there are twists and turns. Shortly afterwards I was birding ringing up at Ripon. Again, everything was steady going when a young lad who was having his first day training bird ringing casually said the Black browed Albatross is back at Bempton – pandemonium! Luckily the birds had been getting less and less and it was decided to finish the day. Ripon to Bempton not that far as the albatross flies its nearly mid-day so should miss all the day trippers! DO NOT PANIC stay calm. Off I went like a bat out of hell as it happened the traffic was ok. I arrived at Bempton and was told the bird was still there heart was in mouth knees were jelly but I still managed to hobble my way down to the area where it had been seen only to be told it had disappeared an hour and half earlier I gave it a good hour or two when it came on from Flamborough so like the wind I flew down to Flamborough got there and the pager quietly whispered in my ear ‘oh by the way is back at Bempton’ you guessed right. When I got back to Bempton I couldn’t get into the reserve gridlock. I made a critical decision. Leave my most desired bird and try again tomorrow. I came home regretting that decision. Once home I checked the pager the bird had gone. The next morning up feeling more refreshed I set off back to Bempton got there and missed it by 15 mins. I decided to hang on about an hour the yell came it here out to sea flying north not that far out but I couldn’t get it heart working somewhat faster than it should. I cursed I had missed it then another shout its here straight below where we were standing still couldn’t spot it then my life was complete an absolutely magnificent bird glided out from the cliffs and back again the bird did this several times a chap kept shouting it’s there, I think he thought he was at a pantomime. Then the bird cruised straight past I absorbed it in my binoculars at last I had seen my first ALBATROSS. It took several minutes for this to sink in. And more importantly it was in GOD’s own country. I watched the bird for what seemed an age. Then I turned walked away and thought life is good.
Last week I was emptying the moth trap on the reserve all the usual suspects were in there then just before leaving the trap I spied a tiny moth. These moths are called micros and can be a devil to identify some can be nigh impossible to identify so a lot of mothers tend to ignore them including myself. I do try to id them but usually a migraine quickly comes about. However, this moth looked interesting, and it did have some distinctive marks on it. So, reaching for my moth book one the 2nd edition Manley. I searched but couldn’t find it, so I photo’d it and put it up on our local moth WhatsApp site. Still not being able to identify the thing I did every self-respecting mother does and that was pick up my scythe and do some scything along the river side path as it had grown somewhat tall over the last week or two. Midmorning I received a message from the moth group had a quick look then finished off the scything just in time for lunch.
Whilst having lunch I looked at the moth that had been identified from my picture checked the book but no not the moth. Finished lunch and had a potter around the education centre then prepped stuff for the forth coming weeks work when I got a message from my mate at Rodley John Cooper who incidentally a few weeks ago was down at Rodley Nature Reserve where he is the regular birder and finder of all things rare when he had a White-tailed eagle fly over him. That is another story. Anyway, back to the tale. I looked at my phone and it said ‘Ey up Steve looks like you have a first for Yorkshire’ now it must be said that we do have a bit of banter between ourselves when we meet up. At first, I thought ‘yeah right’ then the brain cell began chirring it doesn’t happen often. When I thought a first?
I rang him up and John said have you the 2nd edition Manley at Hand, at that moment I switched the cup of tea to a 2nd edition Manley he told me the page. There was the moth a Peach twig borer- what a name! we discussed it and the distribution map showed no records in Yorkshire, I sent my pictures over to John who said he would send them to Harry Beaumont the Yorkshire moth recorder who got back to John and said did I have the specimen of the moth John rang me and I said ‘ I did, I photographed it in the tub when I opened the tub it flew unfortunately the education centre door was open and I watched it flutter away. Silence’ ‘no worries we have pics-ill do some more checking’ he said.
Everything was left at that feeling pleased with myself I went back to cup of tea. About half an hour or so later I got a message from John ‘have you the Manley 3rd edition’ I replied yes, I had but it was at home he hadn’t got a copy, but he said it might be worth a look. I then had biscuit to take all this in.
When I arrived home. I grabbed the 3rd edition Manley looked for my moth under Peach twig borer when I saw it had moved it was now a Anarsia innoxiella. In 2017 this species was described as a new species to science. Imagine the smile that came across my face. There then was a flurry of emails and smoke signals etc. things went quiet for about twenty-four hours then on the Friday night a message came ‘A first for Yorkshire!’ Smiles all round.
After around ten years of moth trapping, it is nice to finally catch a rarity and it is nice to think that our little reserve has added a brand-new species of moth to the Yorkshire list. It shows what can be achieved if you are persistent in the things you do.
Steve Warrillow
June 2021
Jumped out of bed in total panic this morning slept in till 6.30 all jittery then the world woke me up. Don’t panic my head said. There is no Celebration Day it’s waiting very patiently for 2022 when we can have it then.
Now almost fully awake I head for the reserve, sign in and walk down to the reserve, clouds hang lazily in the sky and song thrush sings its full repertoire and a wren provides backing vocals. And I stand looking at the river and thinking what a quiet day it will be.
Then I thought I needed something special to put up on face book it is our 30th Anniversary. The song thrush gave me subtle hints but singing a tad louder with the wren and now a robin providing the backing harmony. I found a use for my mobile phone video it standing there with the phone over my head trying not to sneeze the pollen count was way off the rector scale this morning. And hoping not to have anyone come by and say good morning. This morning the birds are the stars.
I recorded a minute and bits worth of sound. Then headed to the education centre where I was greeted by my two mallard mates waiting to join me for breakfast. Videoed and fed they were happy. I could hear kicking from the moth trap. 4 poplar hawkmoths were muscling their way around the trap and a simply stunning looking small elephant hawkmoth sat there are pristine and pretty. Out they came with various other moths. It’s been slow going but now it’s well on its way.
I fed the birds the pond feeding station was inundated by squirrels nothing else got a look in. whilst on the pond I encountered something that I hadn’t seen before the first brood of moorhen chicks were feeding the newest chicks. Child labour that’s the future!
The sun had now shuffled in between the clouds and the temperature had begun to rise and out came the damselflies at last over a 100 individual insects. Yesterday there were 8 male Banded demoiselles chasing a single female around the river.
And then today a really reassuring encounter I met a family who were sat on one of the benches we got chatting (unusual for me). Their son had a note pad in his hand he was recording everything he saw. That is such a rare thing these days. This is old school learning. I told him how I have been recording for good many years and I always carry a pad just in case I see something of interest – it’s also good to write down ideas for stories, poems and scribblings and reminding you where you put down your pot of tea. Apparently it comes to us all.
And then it turned 2.30 time to go home there was no celebration day but the reserve had a wonderful celebration with its own inhabitants and the people who come and visit and do respect what we have.
Oh, next year the 31st Anniversary will have to have a bigger cake to fit on that extra candle only 364 days to go I am counting.
Steve Warrillow
May 2021
Today on the 20th of May 1991 a small reserve was bult at the side of the Denso Marston factory and now thirty years on its still here albeit a very soggy one as I write the heavens have opened now where did I put my coat? Ah no worries it is only water!
The sky above is crying with joy. And we need a little more rain! So how has it done. It has not done too bad the place has attracted good few new beasties to the reserve with now over a hundred species of birds. Over twenty types of odonata and twenty-five species of butterflies and just shy of three hundred species of moths. Talking of moths what a dire year it is so far this must be the worst for years I keep looking at the moth books just to remind me what they look like.
Hopefully as we head towards the middle of the year (not that far off Christmas) the moth season will get going. Damselflies have also been dire with so far only two large red damselflies seen. It has been because of the northerly winds and now the rain. But on a positive note, birds seem to be doing ok nesting we have had our best year so far for moorhen and mallard chicks and the Canada geese were successful once again with six chicks raised, they did however have to put up with the hinderance of photographers and dogs off leads harassing them which did make them leave a little earlier than the last two years. As a birder I always remember the welfare of the birds came first but these days that is not the case anymore. It was a delight a few weeks ago when I went to feed the birds down at the pond feeding station to be welcomed by lots of chicks of various sizes come running to have breakfast! It seems thankfully the mink have not been active this year.
It has been nice seeing the smiles on peoples faces when they have seen the chicks. It good to see on our thirtieth anniversary. Unfortunately, there will not be a Celebration Day this year. But we will (hopefully) be having our thirty first anniversary next year. Which will be good as the cake will have to be bigger to fit that extra candle.
The rain has eased a little, having just made a cup of tea I look out onto the reserve a blackbird sings its delightful song over the reserve. Trucks are passing through the factory being loaded and unloaded and if it were not for Denso Marston there would not have been this wonderful little spot. And there would have been no volunteers’ groups, schools, and Spider club. What a very dull spot it would have been if this were not here.
It has been good with everything that has gone on. Sometimes a tad challenging. But there is always the excitement of the next group, walk and at some point, the next moth!
Happy 30th Anniversary Denso Marston Nature Reserve
Steve Warrillow
April 2021
A late ramblings for this month where has April gone? It has gone from being steady away to right on manic. The numbers of visitors have been still high but since a well-known shop has reopened numbers have dropped.
The volunteers are now firmly back and settled in it just needs the warden to settle back in it’s been awhile since I’ve chatted to someone.
It has been a trying month in some aspects with increase on dog attacks on the wildfowl on the pond and more recently a dog attack on a roe deer, the owner of this particular beasty was out of sight and was greatly alarmed when was told what had just happened.
Vandalism continues, this include the dismantling of part of one of the dead hedges whilst I was on the reserve with the spider club it would be easy to get dispirited but when the spiders returned it was a joy. It was a year since they were with us and most have got remarkably taller I don’t what they had been fed on but it worked!
We have been inundated with mallard chicks and at present 7 moorhen chicks have been zooming around the pond which has been causing havoc all round. The Canada goose is still on eggs as I type. I expect there will hatchlings pretty soon.
It is also that time when I get the duckling and chick phone-calls. I received a delightful call concerning a duckling which has been called Hastings. This chap appears to have been abandoned but now has a surrogate mum who is feeding him meal worms and growing nicely. He is also a pretty feisty one. When I get more info I will let you know how he gets on.
Hopefully it will be a good news story.
Steve Warrillow
March 2021
It has been so nice to come in and find that there has been no vandalism. For some reason we have been attracting folk who like to wreck things. We have however escaped (at the moment) lightly some other places have been destroyed. We do have a nice celebration of litter down the river bank with all its colours gently flapping in the wind. I am hoping to get that cleared once the river settles down. There have been some very nice people coming down with bags and litter picking the reserve. Which gives me some faith in humanity.
There has been one increasing problem of small bags of various colours appearing at an alarming rate on fence-posts and dangling from trees I thought that tree dressing was a winter thing obviously I am wrong.
And by heck, it is cold the first week into March and there is a distinct chill to the air even the daffodils are shivering. The birds however aren’t; taking as much food as I thought they might unlike a few weeks ago when it had snowed. We will see what the following days transpire will the cold snap continue. We will just have to wait and see.
It will be interesting over the coming weeks to see if we get frogspawn as there have been two herons snapping up all the frogs. They have caused a stir amongst the photographic community there are now lots of photos of stationary herons at lest it gives the kingfisher a break.
There have been lots of visitors down on the reserve we are now well in excess of a couple of thousand visitors for the year.
That number will be probably being higher because the numbers only include what I count. Nobody counts when I’ve gone home. That’s a thought does anybody fancy volunteering sitting on the reserve 24hours a day seven days a week, 365 days a year. Is that a distinct rumble of feet running away?
It will be interesting to see how things pan out this year all being well once people can return to their own habitats then the reserve will quieten we then can have a feeling of calmness back.
It has been surprising I have met people down on the reserve who have told me it has been a wonderful calming experience over the last year even with there being so many people wandering about. I am hoping within the next fortnight I will do the first cut of the grassed areas and that will definitely say spring has arrived. I’ve already had 2 chiffchaffs literally 2 weeks early I would love to have heard what they said when they got here with that north easterly wind a-blowing.
With the visitors comes the questions like I had a few days ago. Visitor to me;’ I had this bird on the river three weeks ago. Me ‘ok’ Visitor it looked like a duck what was it? Me; I’m not sure as I wasn’t there what did it look like’ Visitor ‘A duck’. Sometimes in life life throws some major challenges. How do you surpass them- you just smile.
Hopefully by April things will have warmed up a little.
Steve Warrillow
February 2021
Have you ever had that feeling of being watched? I did this morning. Whilst having a well-deserved cup of tea from out of the new tea urn. I was just sorting out the records from the morning bird feeding watch where I suddenly had a sensation that something was behind me. There were no noises except for a great tit doing its teacher- teacher call outside. I turned nothing was there then I noticed a head, a small grey head watching me.
It was one of the now many grey squirrels had decided to check out the education centre. We had a brief chat then it ran.
It was nice to come to the reserve this morning without having to defrost the padlock to the education centre. The night before last I put out the moth trap at home for the first time for 2021 and caught 2 Pale brindled beauties which were also new for the garden. This evening I will put on the trap at the reserve. The moth season has now begun!
Around the reserve things are coming into bloom. The daffodils are starting to bulb up so hopefully in the next week they will burst into a riot of yellow and then I can quote the two versions of that daffodil poem by Wordsworth and also the Spike Milligan version check them both out.
Birds are beginning to pair up so hopefully we will have a good season. Things are all changing spring is here. AT home there has been a major change we now have a new friend staying with us her name is Nula she is a short haired tortoishell. She is a rescue cat and was classed as a problem cat. I think we must have got the wrong cat she is delightful. Calm and laid back is not the word. It is nice to have a moggy back in our lives. Everything feels complete once again.
The squirrel is now hanging upside down on the squirrel proof feeders outside the education centre. He is swinging gaily back and forth whilst being sworn at by the local great tits. Hopefully now the food will reduce over the last two weeks I have put out nearly a months’ worth of food as the birds were desperate for food. Ironically I have put on the moth trap during January and February and was catching lots of gnats which show there is natural food out there. It is still vital to put out bird food at the moment as breeding season is fast approaching.
Another squirrel has joined the other one. I will watch them as I have another cup of tea and plan out the work to be done for the coming week with a biscuit of course.
Steve Warrillow
January 2021
We are now at the last weekend for January 2021, hasn’t this month flown! It’s been exciting snow, snow and more snow it was like the old days. The reserve looked glorious. Then the rain came and the reserve looked very, very muddy.
Still in lockdown so now walks or volunteers so I have only myself to talk to. It has been busy. With the snow a lot of trees were damaged so some light surgery they were brought back fighting fit once again. I have never known the bird feeders to be so busy mainly with blackbirds, how many I wonder were continental birds. Bullfinches were still in good numbers as are visitors to the reserve I am now averaging up to 50 a day. Most are behaving themselves. Then yesterday a blast from the past a local childminder with a couple of little ones asked (socially distanced of course) if we do events and what do we do. I told her what we do gave her my details. All smiles all round. I then thought yeah it will happen. Eventually. Wait be patient and it will happen.
This year is a special year we are 30, now if the Celebration Day goes ahead that remains to be seen. If we have to cancel it till next year there is nothing stopping us from doing a 31st Celebration Day! We will see what happens. Talking to the childminder did get me thinking. I am missing the groups, the walks, workshops and the kids causing chaos whilst finding bugs, pond dipping and the rest. It will be a real baptism of fire when it all starts again. There could be lots of groups scrambling back to the reserve. Meanwhile whilst it is quiet my now pair of wood mice in the education centre can happily munch on the peanuts I put for them. One of them will now come up to where I am sitting dash past as if it hasn’t seen me. I chat to it – remember I have no one to talk to at the moment one day it will stop and answer me back that will be a jaw dropper!
Now with it being the last weekend of the month today would have been the first spider club meeting for 2021 again this is a special month as in February the group will be 10 years old. And to think we didn’t think it would last so long. I good it feels to be wrong. The success of the group is down to the Spiders themselves and Emma. Though we are not meeting we send out tasks for the group to do each month today they will be looking to see what’s in their gardens.
Me well I’ll be looking around the reserve and who knows what may turn up.
The total list of birds recorded for the garden watch between 10-11.15am in no particular order which we would have done with the Spider club
Wood pigeon 11, robin 7, black headed gull 21, stock dove 3, starling 7, magpie 3, carrion crow 7, jackdaw 44, mallard 6, common gull 1, siskin 1, great tit 3, lesser redpoll 11, blackbird 6, Canada goose 1, wren 3, goldfinch 4, bullfinch 3, herring gull 6, song thrush 1, blue tit 3, nuthatch 1, chaffinch 1, Dunnock 5, moorhen 1, red kite 1, coal tit 2, long tailed tit 1
Steve Warrillow
November 2020
‘Good morning’ I automatically said to our now resident wood mouse that has made himself a nice nest in the back of the education centre. Every morning at 6.30am he potters by. I say good morning he never replies. He may have a little shuffle then silence. Other mornings he just goes straight to bed. It’s nice to talk to someone who doesn’t talk back. He is a grand chap. I now have a new friend. It’s always good to have a furry friend.
Meanwhile; outside a male blackbird has woken in a bad mood it cackles in disgust at the world, or maybe could it be me I’ve not put the food out yet. It’s still dark outside. The Tawny owls have been quiet in the last couple of days. It is this time of the year when they are breeding so there are frisky owls hooting everywhere.
I’ve started coppicing and hedging by the small pond this to reduce the cover over the pond. The first section opened up a lovely amount of mud this in turn in the first 24 hours gave me an opportunity to watch at close quarters our wintering water rail. No camera at hand. Just notepad and memory. Ah bliss.
It is quiet on the reserve, no volunteers due to the lockdown. So I just toodle with chainsaw, billhook and silky saw and create new habitats. This work that would have been done by the volunteers. They need not worry when they return there will still be lots to do. The work here is like the Humber bridge start at one end then start again. Here though there can be pleasant surprises. Who knows what wildlife will appear.
Slowly we are replacing the habitat boards, re-building and repainting putting new signs on them and so giving all the mice en-suite accommodation. This will be ready hopefully for 2021. The new ones that are down are already attracting new residents.
Back to the wood mice, they are clever creatures. We get them at home in winter they are welcome visitors they add an entertaining night time viewing instead of the TV. At present we have up to 3 humane traps down – when caught they are then escorted out into the garden or field. They have their own keys so they are back that same day. Also if you catch a mouse and you release it (which you should as it could be dinner for your local owls – in our case barn and tawny owl) you must release it more than 600 metres away as they just turn around – when you’re not looking. There has been radio tracking of wood mice and they have shown this behaviour in mice. I just like the idea of a mouse with a radio strapped to its back. I want one for my mate in the education centre.
Where was I? Our mouse has been using our traps to make nests in and to stop the trap closing he has used a plastic spoon to jam it!
All I can say is faultless. Now I’d better put some food out before the blackbird’s bad mouth me even more.
Steve Warrillow
September/October 2020
Hasn’t time flown, September disappeared in a flash hence the September/October rambling normal service will be resumed in November. I am now six weeks into the visible migration watches. Its nearing the end of the second week of October of which I must had before the first October I had seen my first Christmas lights up (Baildon!) and also for those that know me I have for many a year been testing myself to try and get to the 25th December without hearing Slade’s Merry Christmas song. 30th September sat at home watching Midsummer murders and what happens SLADE!!I have been got before October. Now it may be me but is this now getting ridiculous I was always led to believe that Christmas was in December… you do have to laugh.
Back to vismigging interestingly this is a quiet one so far with no real numbers coming through, everything appears late. Though the couple of ravens passing over yesterday morning were a surprise and what may have been the same birds flew over Otley.
Things do seem to be moving over on the coast and especially up in the highlands, my rare bird alert pager has been breaking out into real sweats over the last few days with shed fulls of rather tasty birds coming through, White’s thrush. Pallas’s grasshopper warbler, eye browed thrushes. And even hoopoe’s apparently there is one at Collingham; it has to be the most photographed hoopoe of all time it has also made TV appearances, the birding paparazzi have descended in their hordes. I wonder what the bird thinks. Yes we’ve been to see it with binoculars, the proper way to bird. It is a stunner one day there will be one on the reserve. They can and do turn up anywhere.
It will be interesting to see what turns up in the next few weeks. I am waiting for the movements of redwing and fieldfares. Hopefully I will be ringing redwings over the next few weeks and what would really be special would be to ring a fieldfare or two. Thrushes are one of my favourite birds.
Now a white’s thrush would be very special.
Steve Warrillow
August 2020
Yorkshire Day, Normally I would be laying down the miles. I had planned for 400 for 2020 but due national default I did 50 yards. Yorkshire day in the garden, after a quick nip to the reserve. It would have been rude not to. I gave them a good double breakfast as it was Yorkshire Day. It went down well.
At home I continued with the pond area by planting a lavender hedge, in a couple of years this will be great for the bees and my hay fever. Shortly after planting the last of the lavender I decided to sit back and admire my handy work, this is a must if when you’re working your garden. When in the distance I hear ‘HOWZAT’ a distant chorus of civilisation. Cork upon willow. The world had come back. I had memories of going to watch my grandad planning at Gomersal cricket club where he was the umpire there and this led to a lifelong love of cricket. I have never gone into great detail with the ins and outs of cricket I have just enjoyed when I could the sport played live and to be able to sit and watch it as the bowler delivers the ball at umpteen miles per hour and then watch an explosion of dust flies into the air. Then the bails disintegrate into the nothing as the cork smashes its way through. Or the ball caught just right and sit in awe as it flies through the air unchallenged to get that glorious six. Simple things make life worth living.
Though I was mucked up with working the garden I strolled over to the pitch and watched for a while then there was a break. I thought that’s enough I’ve got my summer fix trotted off home grabbed a folding chair then went back. It was quite cloudy but what made the game that much special was the swallows flying inches of the ground between the players as they disturbed insects which flew in panic only to become a light snack for the swallows that were storing up muscle for their long flight back to Africa in the coming weeks.
Before I knew it an hour and half had passed. It was then time for tea for both myself and the players. Grabbing my chair I headed back to the garden. Summer at last had arrived.
17th August 2020
This morning was one of my hardest days I have had to face in a long time, this morning there was no Treacle, no whirlwind of chaos and no fun. I am now alone.
Steve Warrillow
July 2020
The air was blue this morning, a really shocking blue, I came onto the reserve to find the stone seat vandalised somebody in their wisdom had tried to start dismantling it. There has been anti-social behaviour throughout the last few months but this really did take the biscuit not just a nibble but a full mouthful.
Then to cap it all, we have what we call the phantom balsam basher(s) they come this time of year and pull out selected areas of balsam then throw it all over the paths and generally make the reserve look a mess. Time to sharpen the scythe and get some mowing done.
Whilst all this was going on the blood pressure was at near critical. I mumbled to myself, it is rumoured that I mumble to myself on ocassions. In the background a blackbird sang gently, I could almost feel it saying, ‘calm, calm.’ I stopped took its advice. Time to reflect. Be mellow and pick up my rake and sort out the balsam. I had already rebuilt the stone seat. All it needs is a bird to sing to wash away all your troubles.
Last year I made a fruitless journey to Lincolnshire/Norfolk to hunt down a rare bird and one that I had never seen before it was called a Caspian tern. Terns as a rule are small dainty things; their other name is sea swallows. This is a beast nearly the size of a gull with a great red bill which means it has attitude. Off I went got there and it had gone, I came home Caspian tern less, a few days later I was at Fairburn Ings got a few bits and bobs, then drove home normally I would have popped in at Swillington ings this time however I gave it a miss. About half hour down the road my pager went off, checking it, the air in the car went a shocking blue. I had driven past a Caspian tern at Swillington ings. You learn to smile then cry. Moving on a year, Saturday, I was at the reserve doing my bits and bobs, I had left my pager at home. I had a good day on the reserve got home checked the pager Caspian tern Frampton marshes Lincolnshire. My life was decided for Sunday Lincolnshire here I come.
Sunday earlyish, I set off to Frampton marshes, steadyish drive down. Got to the reserve only to find it had been sat there patiently waiting for me for an hour, then got bored and flew off. There was no further sighting that day. Frampton marshes is a nice reserve, though I didn’t get the tern I came away with just shy of fifty species, plenty of waders, there were a good number of black tailed godwits, a spoonbill, preening with its oversized beak and frankly looking quite ridiculous, but still a cracking bird. I came home having had a good birding session.
Last night before bed, I checked my pager, 8pm Caspian tern Frampton marshes. The air turned a slight off red colour. And guess what, this morning Caspian tern 7am. You can only smile and cry. Oh and it was joined by 7 spoonbills.
Steve Warrillow
June 2020
You can tell things are slowly getting back to normal its heaving it down outside all those weeks of glorious weather now it’s making up for lost time and boy do we need it. As I write this there is holy hell on outside the education centre a pair of blackbirds are kicking off big style. They have a nest near by and this has attracted the attention of a couple of magpies, hungry for breakfast. They outcome will no doubt have the inevitable outcome.
I knew things were starting to change, I was at home sat in the front garden watching Emma do the garden, its always nice to watch other people working. It was bright and sunny and very pleasant when suddenly I heard a loud knock at next doors door, thinking nothing of it I continued admiring Emma toil in the garden then a voice spoke. I can’t remember the exact words but it was our Rington’s tea man. My world exploded into spasm of excitement and giddiness I shouted to Emma ‘RINGTON’S’
Emma called through the hedge, good way of social distancing I thought asking him if he was on his way round to us. He said he was. I bolted into the house, leaping over the cat as I tore through the house got my wallet. Charged back downstairs and there he was basket with Rington’s goodies. I got the whole lot, or nearly all and I asked, card, he replied ‘cash, if you like’ My Christmas’s had come all at once, I turned leaped over the cat, who I may add wasn’t amused. And got some REAL money, went back downstairs paid him and got change, reall money in my hands. Life was good it got even better. A cup of Ringtons tea and biscuits all I needed then was some cricket and life would be complete. Ah the simple things.
Back on the reserve things have slowly started to quieten down, there has been very large numbers of people down. The majority have been pleasant, only got bitten by a dog once, so not bad. There has been a lot of new visitors, who mainly came to look at our rather large batch of toad tadpoles and some also came to nick them!
The other day I did my bit for bunny conservation, we have had our first ever breeding of rabbits on the reserve we will see how it goes, anyway I was up at the education centre when all of a sudden a baby bunny came tearing past with a mink strapped almost to its tail. I shouted politely to the mink for it to kindly remove itself from the premises I chased the mink, swinging a big boot nearly up its butt. The rabbit escaped under the cabin and mink fled onto the reserve. I watched it go. Then turned and had a very welcome and deserved cup of tea with a biscuit. The bunny never said thank you. That’s wildlife for you.
Steve Warrillow
May 2020
I have sort of got used to armchair garden bird watching. Everything in the garden is plodding on quite nicely who would have thought there was a problem out in the big bad world. This morning I have been joined by a very vocal cat, Treacle she is meowing for attention this cat is high maintenance she is old and grumpy. So trying to get words out is at the moment quite challenging, ah she has gone out into the garden, silently she just likes to annoy humans, what a girl.
Before all that came on, the lilac we have in the garden is festooned with stunning flowers and sat in the middle are two sparrows sat rather confused and looking a little gormless they are our first young sparrows for the year. The cats just joined me meowed and now gone to bed her job is done for the day. Well until lunchtime.
We have a pair of blue tits nesting in the nest box in the back garden, the other morning when I got up the box was turned to one side it had been interfered with by something not sure what. I thought that’s it for those chicks then low and behold two days ago a blue tit flew in with food. Those chicks are tough little blighters!
This Saturday just gone would have been our annual Dawn Chorus walk so not wanting to disappoint I did a warden only dawn chorus up in St Ives. Up and out by four twenty a.m. it was nice not to drive through to the reserve at 3 a.m. It meant I could have a lie in and I would have missed – in normal times the delights of Bingley’s finest staggering from club to club.
Anyway 4.30a.m my first Tawny owl hooted then another replied, our regular blackbird sat on the telegraph pole and sang his little heart out how people can get annoyed with the Blackbird song is beyond me. Ok they may not be the nightingales of this world, but are the bread and butter of good old fashion plain speaking.
I wandered up into St Ives and round the top end of the estate, only me and the birds, the day before it was VE Day and it was also Motorhead day as it was the 40th Anniversary of the release of the iconic Ace of Spades album which I did play LOUDLY when I went to get some shopping in.
Whilst I was walking I heard a Song thrush going full belt in song I picked it up sat in the top most branch of a tree bolt upright its head tilted upright and I thought blow me, he looks like Lemmy the singer from Motorhead, Lemmy on stage would have his mike set up above head height and he would sing up into the mike. For the rest of the walk that Song thrush was Lemmy.
I finished the walk after two hours and ended up with 32 species of bird. This included Green woodpecker yackling and a cuckoo cuckooing both of which I haven’t managed to see. What did I do when I got home, me I when back to bed for a couple of hours with that happy sound of the Lemmy the song thrush ringing in my ears.
Steve Warrillow
April 2020
It was a good night the other night there had been a report or should I say lots of reports of common scoter migrating over land moving west to east. This duck is normally found at sea but can be found now and again in land I have it on my Bradford list as I found one a while again on the river by the Bradford & Bingley rugby ground. These birds were mainly heard from as early as 9.30 up to 1am in the morning. I decided to sit in the garden. It was a cloudy night and a bit chilly. I had been waiting for about half an hour when over St Ives estate I heard them call it was hard to tell how many birds there were at least one bird was calling but there was probably other birds with it. A garden tick, big smiles all round. I sat with a backdrop of light coming from the moth trap. No more birds then the barn owl flew straight over the garden moments later tawny owls hooted in woods opposite. I gave it another half hour then retired to bed. Very pleased with that.
It has now come up to two weeks since lockdown. I can’t tell a lie there has been minor blips with the way looking at things. Thankfully I don’t do social media. So what did I do? The garden from what has been looking like a bombsite for far too long is now turning around to become something rather interesting.
It feels like ages since I was last down on the reserve I hope it is doing well. And with the social distancing stuff hopefully numbers down on the reserve will be manageable and before we know it this will be all over. Italy and Spain the numbers recorded is now dropping so there is hope all around.
Back to the garden. There was a tree that needed sorting so out with the chainsaw and a lovely new dead hedge was created. A good number of years ago I built a wildlife pond area. It had got itself into quite a muddle so it needed someone with a bit of time on their hands to sort it. I found myself with some ongoing time on my hands. Work began.
I decided that we need a big pond so armed with a spade and a wheel barrow I started digging! The hole started to take shape and I got lower and lower into the ground this reminded me of the Spike Milligan book Hitler My part in his downfall where Spike and his dad watching his mother dig their Anderson shelter and she was getting smaller all the time.
I have moved the pot sinks and hopefully next year our frogs will be back. The idea for the large pond is when it rains we flood so I am making what you call a temporary pond where it fills then gradually drains. The area is a bit of a soak away. But in the bottom of the pond the old tin bath will be dug into the ground so there will be a permanent pond there will be frog/newt ladders it will be a sort of adventure playground for frogs and co.
Other bits of the garden has been resorted Emma is armed with a paint brush and is painting herself and the outside of the house. And tonight there is no moth trap bright skies and a moon. The owls aren’t calling and no Scoters passing over head. Who knows what is to come have you had your first Swallow of the year yet. I’m still waiting.
Take care, stay home. Doe the garden, paint the house, and stay safe.
Steve Warrillow
March 2020
As I watch there is a far flurry of snow falling, birds are flocking to the bird feeder, blue tit, great tit, goldfinch and a couple of greenfinch. My new place of work, I have a new nature reserve to look after. The garden, the garden can be one of the best places for wildlife if it’s treated in the right way.
At present I no longer able to go to the reserve, I’m now self- isolated – no I haven’t got that virus. I’m missing the place already; it’s nearly been a week since lock down, though from what I hear people are still visiting the reserve. It has taken a few days to get my head around it all. Now is the perfect opportunity to get things done, maybe a lie-in, fatal, I’ve had a couple of lie ins and now need to get up and out. I’ve had four walls screaming at me. Then I found all old the garden records I’ve been recording for nearly ten years one or two years have been missed but a good number haven’t. I have spent two days writing up all the records I could find and then a add up to date 53 species of bird have been seen in and around the garden. Three species I have added as they were in the field behind us, Barn Owl, cuckoo and grasshopper warbler all three I might add were seen/heard from the garden so it does count and who wouldn’t want them on their garden list there were two other birds that I really wanted but couldn’t see or hear them from the garden but did dash over for them a hawfinch and nightjar; one day you have to live in hope.
The one positive thing with this situation we find ourselves in is that we can watch wildlife in the garden, why bother with social media when you have it all there. It is amazing what people are finding in their gardens; one garden had firecrest, pretty soon there may be wrynecks turning up or even hoopoes who knows but the main excitement is the common or not as common as they should be birds, we have a couple of greenfinch, and two pairs of house sparrow, in amongst the titmice it is nice to see goldfinch. A few years ago we had nesting coal tit, at present a pair have been visiting the feeders.
And it’s not just birds, I dug out my old moth trap and after several years of it being redundant it’s firing on all cylinders a few bits and bobs have been caught over the last week. In the past I caught small elephant hawk moth and we did have a hummingbird hawkmoth the other year.
We have a selection of small ponds in the garden; I checked one of our kitchen pots sinks which measures two feet square I pulled out twenty one palmate newts! Not bad considering they have been just left to get on with it. Which could make the reserve interesting if over the next few weeks there is total lockdown and hopefully people will abide by it the wildlife on the reserve will happily carry on. The last time this happened was when we had the foot and mouth outbreak over ten years ago. I was able to check the reserve periodically to check on the gates which ironically where torn down so people could walk through. It beggared belief then and it still does now. At the time at Bolton Abbey the breeding population of redstarts there rose by 100% due to the lack of access.
I wonder if our water rail is still down on the reserve and will this year be the year that it stays all being well I will be back down there in the very near future to see it and continue the recording of the wildlife. And what will happen to the garden, I will then have two reserves to look after and boy what a cracking year it will be. And will be very very busy hold one to your hats!
There will be ramblings in April so watch this space. Stay safe and take care.
Steve Warrillow
February 2020
Sunday, Grimsby and there I was stood at the side of a roundabout with a reasonable numbers of birders and we were looking for a bird. A thrush a rather special thrush from Asia the bird in question was a first winter male Black throated thrush about the same size of a fieldfare a very handsome chap and there he was in my bins. There is another black throated thrush in the country the other is a male in a zoo down south but there is a hefty price to pay to get in to see it just of note that bird is a wild one. The Grimsby bird is better as it’s free.
Monday, Eagland Hill near Pilling in Lancashire stood waiting freezing cold looking for a heron. I know your thoughts why did he go to Lancashire for a heron when we get them on the reserve this heron was a Purple heron and an absolute devil to see. I have only seen two one took 7 hours to see and the other 6 hours you have to be patient for this species. Going on just over two hours and no sign things didn’t look well for this particular bird as a tractor drove straight past where it had been hanging out. Fingers numbing and belly aching for food I wimped out and left the scene.
I got home at 1.25pm the pager went off the purple heron showed at 1.21pm. Humph! No worries I’ll get it another time. Over the last two days I had travelled around three hundred and fifty miles for a show and a no show.
Tuesday had a lie in today is the day of the AGM for the friends group so it will be a long day. I decided to go in later than normal.
I went to feed the birds three and half hours late. Some birds had flown off probably in disgust but the hard core hung around and got the lion’s share of the food. Though it was quiet I still had twenty one species of bird in just over half an hour including a nice flock of redwing and this got me thinking; over the years people have commented that there is hardly any wildlife to be seen and on occasion things have been written being dismissive about the reserve it can be a little disheartening. How many people come down and actually listen and look; really look and stroll the reserve rather than rush through. This isn’t a problem for those that stroll then stop and listen and find all the bits that normally are two shy to be seen. It is nice to see things that most people either ignore or just don’t see.
January this year ended with forty six species of bird here on the reserve including a cracking water rail. A buzzard kept flying over which is always nice to see. I for one will be out every day looking and listening and let’s see what I will find.
Steve Warrillow
January 2020
When are we going to get snow and frost what a disappointing winter we have had so far, this week I have had Song, Mistle thrush and Blackbird in full song. The robins have been singing all winter and the other day I had Dunnock in song. Daffodils are making their presence known not seen any snowdrops yet. Spring is not but six weeks away. It’s getting darker later now which is a good sign I normally am enthused by winter but this time I’m bored with it.
It has been a frustrating one on the birding front especially for two birds in particular Waxwing of which two are settled or appear so at the ITV studios and Radio Aire studios in Leeds I’ve been over and missed them they have been in short supply this winter. There have been plenty of berries everywhere so I guess they have the pick of the bunch(s). Hopefully I will catch up with them.
The other bird is a Caspian gull where a couple or even more have been turning up at Redcar Tarn near Keighley both birds are immature birds and are difficult to identify as are all gulls in immature plumage. Gulls go through several plumage changes from going from juvenile to adult unlike other birds which are juvenile then turn into adults. All simple job done. Iif there was ever a reason for birds to come with identity labels gulls definitely justify it. Redcar tarn is a good spot to look at gulls as the birds sit in front of you and you don’t even have to get out of the car this is good especially if a chilly northerly is blowing.
Back on the reserve most mornings I have been welcomed by calling Tawny owls, I would love to find a roost so we or should I say I would collect their pellets. I love dissecting owl pellets. There is plenty of food for them I have seen Bank vole and wood mice in last few weeks and a rat at the education centre which would make a lovely meal for a pair of Tawnies especially as its only a month from Valentine’s Day. What more could a lady Tawny want than a nicely caught brown rat though I wouldn’t know what they would have for pudding.
It’s just coming up to 8am and it is still dark and rain is pattering nicely on the education centre it takes me back all those years when the only shelter I had was the trees and very big leaves to hide under. I love this cabin.
It looks like it could be a busy one this year already I’ve had schools getting in touch to visit which is nice to have a winter visit, as groups can miss out on seeing exciting things down here like Rose deer strutting their stuff and flocks of goldfinches and siskins feeding from Alder to Alder. And if lucky you could see the kingfisher. When it snows it is really good down here with mammal tracks with Deer, and small mammals and also dog tracks a fun thing to do with the dog tracks is try and identify the species of pooch.
I almost forgot, Happy New Year to everyone and let’s hope it’s going to be a good one and we are now on the count down to the 30th Anniversary of the reserve. The cake is already booked.
Breaking news just found snowdrops in flower spring is about to be here!!
Steve Warrillow
December 2019
5.25am, car defrosted and sat waiting for Jon to do bird ringing at Bingley North Bog.
The radio kept me company as always I was too early; to my delight I was joined by the shipping forecast it started at the top end with the Shetlands; cyclonic, rain imminent, Good then on it went to the Solway; violent force 10 then turning force 11 and it worked round the country Humber had force 9 and then Fastnet violent force 11, I felt safe. Though it was a little icy outdoors there were no gales. Jon arrived and off we went.
We set up the nets in pitch darkness and the chilled air numbed our fingers once up we returned to the car and welcomed a cup of tea – the stable diet of any ringer that and buns biscuits.
There were no gales just numb fingers and the net froze it did look very pretty and looked like spiders webs. Perfect for the birds to see alas we caught no birds but did count ten snipe our target bird. Though we didn’t catch anything but it still felt good to be out.
After picking up my car I travelled onto the reserve leaving fine weather behind me and arriving into mist and grottiness. Still bitterly cold so a good day to do some tree work warm work to get the blood flowing and it did just the trick.
A few days on and it was the last day before Christmas I went and did my usual rounds and had a nice flock of 14 bullfinch with 10 males and 4 females we are a good site fort them I don’t know what we are doing but they like it and as far as I am concerned I’m happy for them to come and also the added bonus was most weren’t rung. So hopefully we will ring some more.
It was nice to finish for Christmas, it’s good to have a break, ok granted that I did go in every other day over Christmas to keep a check on things which brought its own special moment on Boxing day I met a young family on the reserve who had just spotted the deer, three to be exact they were thrilled to bits and especially when I told them this is what they did after Christmas day. I stopped short of asking them to say which deer they were, Rudolf wasn’t there he had passed through earlier.
It was a nice way to finish Christmas, it was nice to have smiles all round. Tomorrow is the 31st December I’ll be down to see what I can find for the last day of the year then will be back on the 1st the start of another years recording I wonder what we will get.
And before I go Happy New Year for 2020
Steve Warrillow
November 2019
Cold was not the word it was Remembrance Sunday and I was stood in Buck fields yet again, there was a huge movement of over four thousand wood pigeon and the day of the Remembrance the sky was blue and so were my fingers which were layered beneath 3 pairs of gloves and opposite there were two Roe deer quietly are feeding. Everything was very quiet and peaceful.
Talking of peacefulness we had a sound of silence walk where we walked the reserve and observed and listened the big joke was could I stay quiet, guess what? I did all the way through much to every bodies amazement except mine; they forget I do it every day when I go checking the bird feeders, ok I may mumble to myself but doesn’t everybody.
I perturbed our cat the other day, it wasn’t planned but apparently when I appeared on BCB radio Emma was at home the cat had joined her for an afternoon snooze; the cat not Emma. I did the interview with Alan and Tina on their Afternoon Shift which is a lovely programme to appear on. Anyway un-be known to me I was chatting away quite happily but at home there was a very confused cat. Treacle heard me talking but I wasn’t there. She heard me talking from out of a box – the radio in the corner of the room. She sniffed it and continued to be puzzled. I finished the interview came home entered the house and the cat saw me and looked puzzled I stroked her she didn’t quite believe I was there how could I be there when earlier I was in the box in the corner of the room? It took her a while to believe I was there and that was with her sat on my lap!
I just looked at the calendar it’s almost a month of Christmas; as some of you probably already know that I try to get to Christmas day without hearing Slades Merry Christmas Everybody; well the 2019 campaign is well and truly over the other day when in Bradford before going to an interview at BCB radio I walked past a shop and bang it hit me Slade in full flow and it was the 21st November not even into December. I was gutted. Maybe next year I will make it the whole through.
Steve Warrillow
October 2019
8am roughly a thousand redwings through, October and the Vismig has really kicked in, wood pigeons passing over, meadow pipits and all at the same time. I watched with my binoculars, pen in hand and pad in hand, counting and recording several species at once, I realised then men can multitask. It is no mean feat to do that all at the same time luckily for me it wasn’t an all-out fly through of birds this was a reasonable amount through. Probably within the region of 4 thousand. Now other places do record tens of thousands in a morning.
We are more let’s saying sedate due to the obstructions in the flight sight. The buildings on Buck lane and the trees next to where I stand in fact really it is really going against me as I’m on the ground in reality I need height a big 6foot tower with a hut on top with windows all round, a comfy chair, heater and tea and biscuits and most importantly a lift up to it – I don’t do ladders – heights anything over three foot send for the fire brigade.
It is nearly the end of October I have stood here every morning for just short of a month and counted birds, lots of birds mainly wood pigeons, now I could amaze you all with some very interesting facts about wood pigeons but seen as I have lately been making people scream and run to the hills every time I mention wood pigeons I won’t mention wood pigeons but will mention for those that may possibly would maybe slightly or maybe interested in the life of wood pigeons they should go and get a copy of The Wood pigeon by RE K Murton it is part of the New Naturalists books it dated from the sixties but well worth a read. It is believe me. I’ve just finished it this week.
The next one I’m thinking about is a book on blackbirds, but before that it will be Witchcraft and secret societies of rural England now is that a change of scenery. One thing I did find out about the wood pigeon. On the reserve there are a lot of Guelder rose berries nothing eats them apparently Wood pigeons love them and did you know the Wood pigeon is the only bird that can pick out individual rape seed seed that is why there is so many. Enough said.
Talking of berries have you noticed there is a hell of a lot of hawthorn berries this year this will be very good for the thrushes I had the other day blackbird, song thrush and redwing munching quite happily on a hawthorn over from the reserve. The bush was stripped in a matter of days. Thrushes are on of my favourite birds and seeing Redwings and also if lucky enough Fieldfare feeding on berries it fare makes me go weak at the knees. I love this time of year. Better get out there more wood pigeon coming over – did I mention a fascinating fact about wood pigeon it involves….
Steve Warrillow
September 2019
It was Sunday morning my last Vismig for a week, no more counting wood pigeons I needn’t have worried Marlene, Emma’s sister had pulled up trumps yet again she is a dab hand at finding all the best holiday spots. And good birding spots too. She is on the quiet a secret twitcher ask her about the Harequin duck and the Ring necked duck on a tiny pond at a local golf course.
This time we were based in Kinbeachie on the Black isle it is an area surround by farmland and the week we came they were harvesting the hay so there were tractors everywhere the cottage where we were staying was surrounded by mature conifers and beech trees and a small plantation of broad leaved trees.
The biggest surprise however was there was a roost of Tree sparrows in the garden. I needed to relax this holiday so every morning at 6.30 I perched myself on their patio and watched two bushes erupt into life with up to 90 Tree sparrows. They were a grumpy bunch on a morning they started twittering about 6.40am then they would shut up then out they flew into the surrounding fields.
As the days went on all I could think about were the sparrows much to the amusement to everyone concerned. During vismigging time I obsess about wood pigeons here it was sparrows I do not need much to keep me amused; however on the day before we left the Peregrine that flew over the garden was a major surprise. Even more of a surprise for the bird it caught.
While I was there I indulged in a pair of slippers, just ordinary slippers nothing flash but they were comfy and warm which went down well at 6am in the morning whilst sat out under a prevailing westerly wind. I had for brief moments crows torpedo over the garden unfortunately no hooded crows they were further down the other valley. No matter where you go especially in Scotland the memories of the First world War are always apparent even at the cottage the surrounding fields were originally made for the returning soldiers from the Western front the farms were there to help the soldiers get them back on their feet again. There were 50 plots and up from the main road you can see all the plots.
And the wood pigeons surprisingly there were very few. And today my first day back from holiday my Vismig wood pigeons counted in at just 100 bring them on.
Steve Warrillow
August 2019
It’s now a few weeks past August, so here is a late ramblings many apologies for that. The idea originally was to write it at Spurn on an evening after a good days bird ringing that idea very quickly blew away with the sea breeze. The first day up and out at 6am then finished at 11pm. Intense is not the word. For part of the course I did feel way out of my depth then I took a deep breath and got on with it.
It was so good to be back at Spurn I don’t get there as often as I would like but when I do get there I savour every moment. Especially when I get to do what I have always dreamt of doing and that is to ring at Spurn and I did it. A good number of birds were rung too from Common tern to Dunlin, pied flycatcher to Tree sparrows. Tree sparrows are the master of escape they crawl up your arm when you try and take them out of the bag. And I swear to god they giggle when they do it!
One thing I had forgotten about Spurn was how dark it gets. We were all sat on the beach up near the narrows waiting for common terns come in to roost and the sky was black except for millions of stars we could see the milky way it was magical and with a terns calling as they came to roost and then ringing one. Brilliant.
During the time at Spurn I did get time to do a little twitching a Icterine warbler flew in next to the field where the day before we were ringing for Whinchats.
It certainly was a major experience and one I hope to repeat again in the next few years.
Steve Warrillow
July 2019
I was just finishing the June monthly report, just putting the final touches to the wildlife section in particular ladybirds. This year we have paid particular interest to ladybirds this survey has been on the jobs to do list for more years than I care to think. This year I shifted it up several pages and wow, 11 species found in the first week most of which were native and 1 alien this being the Harlequin which apparently has been quite happily munching its way through aphids and our native ladybirds.
So it was nice to see so many other species of ladybirds on the reserve. And one thing to remember ladybirds are not easy to identify some of the species have many different colour patterns so while I was typing out the list of which the harlequins were winning hands down with the June sightings in the background I heard on the radio about gentleman called Eugene Schieffelin who in 1890 decided to release 40 starlings in central park New York. Eugene was a member of the American Acclimatization Society whose principals were to introduce plants and animals to create comfort and familiarity in the new nation of America. The starlings bred now their population is around 200 million! And the main reason for him to introduce these birds was a cunning plan he had to introduce all the bird species in Shakespeare plays which apparently there is quite a few. Just of note the starling is only mentioned in one Shakespeare play that being Henry IV part 1.
I then looked at my ladybird list. The harlequin is causing mischief where ever it goes. The Harlequin ladybird is not the only introduction, there are many species if you read the excellent Alien plants of Yorkshire by the late Geoffrey Wilmore the amount of plants species just in Yorkshire is astounding also in the Field guide to Invasive plants and animals in Britain by Olaf Booy, Max wade and Helen Roy states that there are more than 1,400 non-native species established in Britain most do not survive. There are also lots of tree species which have been brought in for a very long time.
There are 16 established non- native mammals in Britain most of which do not cause any bother. Some were introduced for food rabbit, clothing mink and deer for hunting. There are surprising creatures like Raccoon, skunk, Porcupine then you go onto amphibians, birds and the list is endless.
Meanwhile our Harlequins are happy munching and making baby harlequins and our ladybirds? We will keep on recording and watch and wait.
And why were starlings in Shakespeare Henry IV part 1. Hopspur is in rebellion against the king and is thinking of ways to torment him. In act 1 scene 11 he fantasizes about teaching a starling to say Mortimer – one of the kings enemies: quote: ‘Nay, I’ll have a starling shall be taught to speak nothing but Mortimer, and give it to him to keep his anger still in motion.’
Starlings in their favour are cracking birds get the sun on them and the colours are astounding. And as I write this a seven spot ladybird as just wandered over the keyboard and I am sure it gave me a wink.
Steve Warrillow
June 2019
A week has now passed the Celebration Day neatly tucked under the belt. It was a successful one again. However the highlight of the week was yesterday whilst doing the daily dragonfly survey a female Banded Demoiselle was seen eating an Azure blue damselfly this is normal practice amongst the dragonfly fraternity. The amazing thing about this was how casually the Banded munched away at the Azure blue.it was like watching a cow chewing cud. And while all this was going on the sun was shining and it was getting warmer it was nice to have sun it has become a tad boring having rain most days.
After several months of no mammal sightings under the habitat boards, yesterday myself and Susan one of my volunteers continued the monthly habitat board survey and we found several nests two of which was Bank vole and Common shrew, the week previous I had a Beaver group down and they were looking under the boards one lucky group had a family of shrews. And there were no screams.
This morning the day after the summer solstice I wandered onto the reserve the sun up bright and cheery as were a couple of regulars jogging through. I emptied the moth trap, there were a few Poplar hawkmoths and blow me down another hawkmoth grey in colour like the Poplar hawkmoth this moth however had eyes on its wings an eyed hawkmoth the 3rd record for the reserve. A solstice moth!
That raised a smile and a good feeling for the rest of the day.
Steve Warrillow
May 2019
4.30am the Blackbird had been singing for about half an hour he was loud. Went out into the garden and there he was on the chimney pot singing his heart out. In the woods opposite more joined him was it a chorus of joy or was it the other birds shouting ‘shut up we’re trying to get some sleep’. It was raining. Was this Yorkshire shedding a tear knowing we were leaving to go to Scotland only for a week? But it was enough for the heavens to out pour its sorrow.
Normally we set off later but today we were setting of at five am. This meant we would be on holiday by lunchtime. The birds sang to us as we left their song faded into the morning as we headed north. Just before we left I heard a distant cuckoo.
The sunrise was glorious; the three peaks were bathed in sheens of sunlight that stretched shadows from the sheep feeding in the fields. It has always been a tradition to stop at a particular favourite service station for breakfast. Timing is the essence. We got there excited to the breakfast we were about to have, then we saw it was CLOSED. Our hearts and stomachs fell to the floor. There was a small sandwich type shop in there so 2 teas and 2 bacon butties and fifteen quid lighter we went on our way.
It was a pleasant drive up, do you remember going on holiday and to break up the travel did you spot cars, Lorries, buses all their different colours. Well as passenger. I always bird the trip this time however
Alongside the birding I decided after seeing 4 badgers dead at the side of the motorway in within 200 yards that I would count road kill. It can be quite challenging re-guarding the condition of the poor unfortunate soul laid there at the side of the road. So there I was scribbling away, a rabbit here, a buzzard there oh wow a vole on it went. I will not go through the total number of spotting if you want to know more ask me when you see me down on the reserve. Just of interest there are two books from America called flattened fauna – field guides to road kill I kid you not look on Amazon and you can get them for under a fiver! Now there is a serious side to all this. Honestly there is when was the last time you went for a drive in summer and come back with a wide variety of squished insects on your windscreen? I would like to add that the roads we went on weren’t full to the brim with flattened creatures 99 per cent were squashed free roads. It was mainly the motorway and dual carriage way. I know I said ask me if you want to know more but I did have 8 species of mammal and 6 species of bird ask me if you want to know which ones. It did get me thinking could I do an id guide for road kill for the UK. It would be useful especially if looking for certain species for example there has been 2 otters found as road kill up from the reserve near Baildon railway station. This was a couple of years ago. Why were otters up there? If these animals hadn’t been found would we have ever known that they had been there? It raises some very interesting questions.
As we travelled on we came to a distillery as a scientific study that we have been doing for tens or so now we have found ourselves studying the whiskeys in the distilleries that we have come across. Apparently as part of this serious scientific study I have found that sampling the produce helps with a deeper understanding of these whiskies. That morning it was 10am whiskey for breakfast... out of interest this was the only distillery we visited this time.
And this was only Friday we still had another six days to go. The study goes on.
Steve Warrillow
April 2019
Two mornings in a row now, whilst driving past Glovershaw farm Baildon I have had a Barn owl fly a long side of the car. This morning was different today nobody was driving behind me so I slowed down and drove along with the owl just me and the owl. The sun just rising the golf was course covered in frost and the odd meadow pipit flitted from one side of the road to the other. Minus four it was when I arrived at the reserve. I checked the moth trap it was empty except for remnants of moth wings our resident wren has found the trap. It will look like I will have to move the trap. Ah.
Outside the education centre there are two Blackcaps singing hoping to grab a girlfriend and on the pond a Canada goose is sat on eggs her chap is now chasing the mallards around the pond when they get too close to her. It looks like it will get lively when the eggs hatch which will be in another fifteen to twenty days. That will be just about the time when I go on my holidays.
There still no Hirundines through the reserve yet I was hoping for the odd sand martin I will keep searching the sky which has proved profitable as the other day I came out of the education centre looked up and a curlew passed over this being only the third record for the reserve.
The feeders this morning have been very busy, titmice flying back and forth, blackbird’s chaking and being annoyed with everybody. Over the last few weeks I have been observing a Mistle Thrush nest unfortunately the other day I went and the nest was deserted this was probably either predation or the cold nights it has been below freezing over the last week. It is a shame as the same pair raised a full brood last year hopefully they will try again this year.
Spring has arrived kids groups are now descending to the reserve. It’s always manic at the beginning g of the season but as always it’s a real treat and somewhat tiring. The first water scorpions have been found and nobody has fallen in yet. That will come no doubt in the future. And let’s see how we get on with the young goslings hatch.
Yesterday I was thinking how to round this month’s ramblings, and was thinking of spring I was walking at Fairburn Ings after seeing hopefully not a dodgy duck by the name of Bufflehead (it’s a North American species.) When suddenly in front of me spring arrived with a male cuckoo landing on the fence about twenty foot of me. It flew then called. Spring had arrived.
I could write pages about a very likeable chap Keith (bowsaw) May who was one of my early volunteers sadly passed away every this year but knowing Keith he liked things to be plain and simple so I’ll keep it that way. Where ever you are now let’s hope there is a bowsaw and plenty of wood to cut. And it was a real pleasure knowing you. Cheers mate.
And I raised a glass of cider to Joe Grundy from the Archers the show will never be the same.
Steve Warrillow
March 2019
I was asked the other day how was it going down on the reserve I replied it was doing well; it has been a good start to the year lots of positive comments and so far just over 700 visitors to the reserve to the start to march. I jokingly said to one of the volunteers, there had been so many positive comments it just can’t last.
How true that was, the other day we had a visitor who has been a tad critical should we say over the years.. The said person came down frowned.. This did raise the hackles a bit. It reminded me of what happened years ago with deliberate pulling up of trees, cutting trees, verbal abuse and the rest. Such is life. As I write the warden is still here. It was hard at times but as time goes on the skin grows thicker and also the support grows stronger and I look at what has been done. The volunteers who over the years have put in such sterling work of which I’m proud of them and proud of the work they do and continue to do.
We have progressed well over the years especially over the last four years since the flood. The workshops, walks and the number of groups visiting the reserve. Last week I booked in schools, Beavers and cubs. The season hasn’t even started yet but it feels that it is going to be a very busy one.
And how have you coped with the early summer, and what a summer we have had there were bees and wasps the moths are arriving granted some have been feeding the robin rather well. However, we have only had a couple of butterflies so far this year. The titmice have been checking out the boxes. And there is a very well fed Grey Heron who has been eating all our frogs so it will be interesting to see how we do with the frog spawn this year.
We have now come to the end of the winter management work everything that was to be done has been done and the reserve is looking good this year we will be doing a lot of monitoring. The Wednesday gang will be looking at the plants we have down on the reserve. The Friday gang will be monitoring just about everything and the wildlife will do what it does very well bringing excitement to the reserve weather it is frogs and toads laying spawn in the ponds chiffchaffs singing bringing a hint of spring.
What will I be doing, I’ll be doing what I do and how about the complainers.
I will just smile, yes just smile.
Soon I will be walking some Alpacas that will be a tale for another day. Ask me how it went and I’ll tell you.
Oh the frogs laid lots of spawn and now we have been invaded by toads.
Steve Warrillow
February 2019
The early spring shift started this morning with Song thrushes in song, Dunnock and wrens joining as backup vocals. It is nearly the end of February and it is in double figures in temperature. The sun has been shinning for the last few days lifting the spirits. I put the moth trap on as it was up to 10 degrees overnight and caught nothing! The night before it was minus 3 and I caught a moth! I cannot fathom it at all but it is exciting trying to guess if any moths have been caught and also all the birds starting courting. Yesterday it was Valentine’s Day the start of the National Nest Box week to celebrate this we checked and cleaned the boxes for the forth coming breeding station birds have already started checking the boxes. The only bird which so far has been seen with nest material was a magpie.
Birds are on the move yesterday 25 Whooper swans were found at Chelker Reservoir so I will be looking up to the skies hoping for whoopers or pink footed geese.
I have a problem. A potential annoying problem there is a bird in Manchester it is a new bird for me, a Blyth’s Reed Warbler this bird normally winters in India but has turned up in Manchester and it has been there over winter. Some may say could this be global warming as this bird shouldn’t be here myself I think its internal sat nav when pair shaped when leaving Finland it was flying should then it said turn right at the next junction, crossed the sea with the help of some winds then ended up in Manchester where it said you have now reached your destination. Sat navs are like that never trust them. Mine I like to go to a place where I know how to get there then deliberately go the wrong way just to wind her up. But she always comes back calmly with at the next junction make a U turn for 2 miles then turns right. She never gets phased. Now the Blyth’s just to make it problematic it says its elusive that means I may have to stand by a bramble patch and stare at it until it shows or not shows as has been the case recently. We birders/twitchers/nutters are a patient bunch you would be surprised how quickly 5 hours will pass when looking at a bush.
And to cap it all it’s a brown job not that attractive as say a bee-eater but I need this bird for my life list I know what will happen I will go wait God knows how many hours get it be very pleased have several beers to celebrate then go to reserve do my rounds and bang! There will be a Blyth’s I would be very pleased as it would be in God’s own country.
Till then let’s suffer the M62!
Sunday 17th February up and had breakfast next stop the M62. An hour later just before getting to Hope Carr Lane NR Leigh a funny noise occurred beneath the bonnet. Got there just. I left the car to weep and I joined a small throng of birders and bang there it was my first ever Blyth’s Reed Warbler, chuffed is not the word.
Then the phone call and a man came with a tow truck and towed home. Tomorrow I will be broke but happy to have a Blyth’s.
Steve Warrillow
January 2019
Let’s start on an up note. Happy New Year to everyone! That’s all done; let’s let the smile hang the right way down. I have such an aching jaw this Christmas all that smiling and being polite to people who only see once a year.
It’s all done and gone and how was it. It was good and it was good to see folks not seen for ages. The decorations are now down in the education centre now there are only the wildlife things to look at the birds are feeding like mad. Jon and I did some bird ringing over the Christmas period we caught 13 birds one of which was a three year old Great Tit – a flood baby.
The other day had a trip to Leighton Moss Nature Reserve. I went to meet Kev the warden at Leighton Moss he has kindly agreed to take me on as a trainee bird ringer everything went well. I then went to explore the reserve at the moment there is 6 bitterns alas I didn’t see any but had cracking views of a Jack snipe feeding doing its bobbing and singer sewing machine head banging. Motorhead would be proud!
After a couple of hours I decided that there should be a visit to a hallowed shrine the Eric Morecombe Hide on Morecombe bay as well as being a genius he was also a birder. On arriving at the hide there is a shadow cut o0ut on the hide of Eric doing his famous bring me sun-shire dance. On entering the hide the first bird I saw was a Little Egret. Nice bird. Then something crossed my mind did Eric ever see a little egret on the bay as it would have been a very rare bird in those days.
I reckon if he had seen one he would have sung out loud and did a little dance then probably would have written a comic sketch about it. It had been a beautiful day the sun shone and it was wonderful to see black tailed godwits feeding with redshanks and various parties of ducks of various species. I like godwits
Waders can be a devil to identify especially when we get them in winter plumage. We rarely get them in summer plum. I remember years ago when visiting Texas I was dreading seeing waders over there due to us only getting them in autumn or winter I needn’t have worried we went in spring and they were all in glorious breeding plumages. A sheer delight. I decide to leave early as my sat nav has a mind of her own. She took me a very pretty route to Leighton Moss and I was excited to find out which was she was going to take me back. And she did I went all over the place. As I was leaving starlings were beginning to gather there has been some pretty amazing gatherings this winter by all accounts.
Later after my lovely sat nav had taken around most of Lancashire I entered God’s own country and in the distance I saw the three peaks in the distance smiled and thought to myself
Bring me sunshine…
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
December 2018
Woke to rain, a miserable start to the day, just had one job to do, I set myself a target, Sundays can be bad for me I need to be active. Sort the wood shed out. Moving wood from one shelf to the next is totally satisfying the smell of drying and dried wood is a joy.
I had bags of uncut wood, emptied and staked ready for cutting. Out came the splitting axe and wood flying all over the place. Thwack, thwack, heaven. I have two ways of relaxing birds and wood chopping and chain sawing ok three ways to relax the last two are related.
I cut and stacked the wood in the rain, which had been steady and had soaked me through in a mischievous way, it was light rain, you know the kind it’s there not wet enough for a rain coat and too wet to not have a jacket. Either way you get wet.
I was glad it was raining because it meant that the pond on the reserve was starting to fill up. As it grew towards tea time, I decided on Christmas wrapping, it needed to be done, the pile was there and it needed to be hit and no prisoners would be taken. And it is December, sorry but to me Christmas is in December not July, August or September.
I began wrapping a crate of ale for Chris, one of the forklift drivers at Denso, Chris for ages has been providing the reserve with wood, pallets and boarding’ The Wednesday gang for one, or one of the we4dnesday gang wouldn’t have had so much fun building everything from storage huts to nest boxes and finally fencing posts. An average pallet has 8 pieces of wood on it that can make up to 40 posts which when priced up cost a pound each, the last batch there was 26 pallets this saves money and also recycles wood.
I was just putting the last piece if selotape on Chris’s present when the room light flickered, the flashed then darkness. All I could see was a pair of eyes looking at me Treacle our cat stared at me then let out a low meow it a way that they do when it, means its dark and what are you going to do about it.
Outside the estate plunged into darkness a car siren went off. Even the owls in the wood were confused. The alarm went off there was then silence. No mobiles, no TV nothing even the cat stayed quiet. The only light was the flames on the fire.
We laid on the settee for about half an hour. Watching the flames dance up towards the chimney, the flames were yellow and the cat sat on my chest just purred. Outside no noise then all of a sudden the lights flicked on the cat jumped of me and meowed for food and that very special moment was gone. The moment was silence perfect silence.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
November 2018
I woke up late, dashed out and was hit by a frosty November morning. I scrapped ice off the windscreen. I drove through to the reserve, passing poppies on lamp posts and the sun was just rising. There was mist in the valley. It was still cold. Today was the day the end of the war to end all wars. I drove down through Baildon, a crow was eating something dead, my thoughts went to the western front, over the last four years I have been over to Flanders 3 times and one thing that has always troubled me was. Where was the wildlife on the western front I was told by a tour guide that there wasn’t any. This didn’t ring true for me there was rats for one thing because there was a plentiful food supply. It definitely puzzled me. This last visit I did bird all the sites. A good while ago I had gone wandering in a book shop downtown. And there I found a book called Where the poppies grow it was about the wildlife on the western front. I bought it and then left it by the bed.
Last week I picked it up and blow me down! I had been right there was wildlife on the western front. On the first day of the Somme kestrels where seen hunting the killing fields and when there was a lull in the fighting Skylarks were seen rising up in the sky.
It was still chilly at the reserve, and it had started to rain. I walked the reserve and a male Mandarin duck was still on the pond. It also visited the feeding station which was a new species for the feeding station taking the species list for the pond feeding station to 41 species.
The final preps were done to the memorial in the education centre. I hoped nobody would try to damage it as has happened throughout 2018. I have started preparing the 2019 commerations.
I was joined by Dave and James from security we paid our respects. I had to leave as I was going to Glasgow. As I entered Bingley the church bells were ringing it was good to see both young and old wearing poppies.
We drove up to Glasgow one thing that was a real impact was all the villages that lost so many out of their communities
As we entered Glasgow the sun was setting and there was only one thing to be said on this armistice day
At the setting down of the sun we will remember them
Lest we forget
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
October 2018
It wasn’t a good start to the day. Today of all days, a Blue tit yesterday had got caught in the wall of the education centre It flapped around a lot I took out the air vent around where it was. It continued to flap. This morning when I came in the bird was sat on the book shelf at the messy end of the education centre. When it saw me it flew back and forth up the cabin I opened the windows and door but to avail. I managed to catch the bird then as I held it, it died it just closed its eyes and went. I couldn’t believe it. That made it a manure start to the day I have had birds die on me in the past but this one was most gutting.
Today is the day of Danny Copeland’s funeral. He was a really a special pal and mentor. Yes we had our rows and fall outs as all good mates do. I couldn’t make it to day as there is a workshop tomorrow. I vis-migged this morning yesterday it was frosty and it was the first time this autumn where at several points I said shiver me timbers but in a less polite way.
It was cold on the old fingers who turned blue I did have a good number of birds through, or so I thought 510 woodies, However the boys at Oxenhope had over ten thousand! But we did have some Pinkies through which was nice as I lead a vismig workshop yesterday only 1 person turned out. It can be so disheartening but it was a good session.
The day before I had recorded 34 species of bird and just over 1 thousand 5 hundred birds not bad as we are in a not very good area for vismiging we are in the valley not on top so we miss a lot of birds but we still get a good number through and it gives a good idea of what is passing.
This morning it was cold again, today I put on thicker gloves so didn’t curse as much. I thought there would be plenty birds through but only managed just under 7 hundred birds. The recording time I do each day is 1 hour after sunrise. Then I check during the day as I am working.
Though I couldn’t make the funeral I made a fly and wore one of Danny’s flies as he was a keen fly fisherman, I did go out a couple of times with him and he taught me art of fly tying. The fly I made last night using Danny’s flies was one called serendipity this was a word he used a lot.
Today I guess I will have a wee dram of whiskey. I won’t mourn but will be glad I had the honour knowing the man.
Oh I hope more wood pigeons and other stuff will come through tomorrow.
Thanks Danny and my thoughts are with Marlene and the rest of the family I am glad Marlene and Danny and Abbey the dog did get chance to visit the reserve.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
September 2018
It is the first few days into autumn, the trees are still green it won’t be long before they begin to turn. Reds, yellows then they fall.it is quiet. I found myself on the field by Buck lane. It’s been a year since I last stood here binoculars in hand and staring and hoping for the first dots in the sky to pass by vismig has begun.
Numerous wood pigeons begin the session flying north I gave it half an hour. Nothing much through. Soon it will get busy.
Leaving the field I am greeted by a broken fence by the gate into the reserve and up by the stone seat spray paint, over the last week or two trees have been cut and graffiti sprayed on trees. It looks like this little oasis of a reserve has met the modern world. We have had vandalism in the past but this year it seems bad. I sigh and bubble inside a little. It is easy to get angry and why not. All the hard work put into this reserve in those micro seconds makes you feel what is the point?
The thing what grinds the most is damage to trees, they can’t fight back and also the war memorial being desecrated that can really fowl up your day. This is quite a challenge but you have to be ahead of the ones who try to spoil things.
A chiffchaff calls up in the trees, a migrant now heading home hopefully we will see it again next year. A few more pigeons fly north the odd one south followed by a single swallow. And I suddenly get verbal abuse from a Blue tit at the feeding station waiting for breakfast. I know my place.
Today it is just an ordinary day , people walking their dogs, going to work, just having a leisurely walk stopping to chat about the local goings on. In the background birds pass through without being seen. Somebody spots the kingfisher and points excitedly. I return to the education centre put out food to keep the titmice happy and I check the moth trap not as many as last week its turned a little cooler. We cannot complain we have had a cracking season it’s going to be a big wildlife report this year. And the birds they have bred well.
And the fence is still broken, the graffiti causes offence to man and beast and trees nurse their wounds.
And what do we do.
We get nails to mend the fence, Grafisol graffiti remover to get rid of the graffiti, paint to paint out the graffiti on the dipping platform and saws to mend the wounds on the trees. And we walk the reserve, enjoy the trees the plants the company and the sheer splendidness of this wonderful little reserve.
And I look up and a swallow waves me goodbye calls and I swear, it said ‘see you next year chuck.’
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
August 2018
We have had rain at last ! Everything has cooled down. I am looking forward to getting a good nights sleep and getting back to my normal loveable self instead of being a grump. The hot weather has had its moments. Last month I recorded 83 species of moth and 15 species of butterfly it is years since we have had that many.
And the weather is changing, you know why, school holidays. When for six weeks or so the little loves run around and vent their energy on anyone and everything around them and also make lots of noise. We have just had our second school holiday event which should have been pond dipping.
For the first time in many years we have had to cancel due to the pond edge being bone dry. I had to think of a new activity and whilst watching the starship Enterprise save us from all sorts of nasties I happen to glance out of the room window and above was a bloody great head floating across the sky. You could see the hairdo, eyes big nose mouth and chin. I kid you not it was huge and all sculptured out of one single cloud and blink it was gone. I had got my theme clouds.
Everything was prepped. Tables out pens, paper, glue, scissors. And then rain drop, a big dollop of a raindrop. Followed by many more of them. 10 mins before everybody was due. The clouds did felt better for relieving themselves I felt better for getting soaked. Then a hint of sun peeked from behind the clouds. The first visitors arrived. I told them of the plan. Them seemed pleased as did the next 3 groups and off they went to collect things to make a cloud picture.
All was silent so I worked on a new feather display I was working on. Then I heard voices. They were back. I told them to make cloud pictures, they grabbed paper pens the lot. Within ten minutes the first picture was done. I hurt my jaw as it hit the floor. The pictures were amazing. I’ve sent a selection to the friends group. It was so nice to see kids using their imagination. When they are allowed to do it. They can do it and have fun. A couple of the pictures were left. I tidied everything up.
The clouds floated by quite happily and kept their rain to themselves. And the sun kept out of the way in the background and the wind chuckled its way through the Aspens. I smiled to myself. Looked up and thanked the clouds.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
July 2018
Its nearly mid- July, I’m laid on settee sweat pouring from my body, outside Emma is watering the plants in the garden as she sprays water over the plants moths are raise. Nearby the Barn owl will be feeding her chicks. I lay here, bathed in sweat wishing for a fan above me.
Thought’s spin, I worry about the reserve there has been no rain for at least a month. Everything is so dry. The pond is low the area where we do the dipping is less than 2 inch deep. Luckily it is near the end of the nesting season.
I look out of the bed room window for the barn owl. They’ve just harvested today, grass for winter, winter seems so far away. I long for the cold weather. It will be here sooner than we think. There are no clouds and the moors have been set alight. Thankfully quickly brought under control.
I look to the ceiling still no fan, It was too hot to watch the cricket this afternoon I like to at least watch it once a season. While watching the game its great to see swallows fly at ground level between the play. Meanwhile on the reserve butterflies breed aplenty. Dragons are struggling to raise. And the thrushes are on their possibly third brood. I lay sweating.
The sun dropped, I opened the window a cool breeze flowed through. I think of the mole that Denso security rescued. Put in a bucket with paper towels and a tub of water. It drank the water and buried itself in the towels. Our volunteers took a look. Everyone was amazed to see such a secretive creative creature out in the open. Myself it made me want to read the wonderful Wind in the willows. I did think of making a boat for it. I laid there, it was too hot, Emma watered the garden with a Lesser Black backed gull quartering the fields, no barn owl. And where were the deer who usually feed round the edges of the field.
Moths were flying and on the reserve bats are feeding. Over the last couple of weeks we have had beavers and a youth club down pond dipping.it has been amazing at the amount of creatures that have been caught. Large diving beetles, water scorpions. Outside it is dark and still too hot.. Thankfully, the fire brigade have managed to stop the moor fire up from us. How it started nobody knows- yet. Let’s hope for rain.
It is another couple of days before I am back on the reserve, I do hope for cooler weather so I can cut the grass, also for rain to dampen the grass so the risk of fire will be reduced. This is the first time in many a year when I have had to consider this.
On a positive note shortly the River Aire trust will be making a start on the river bank cleaning of rubbish a long time coming but it is here
It is still hot, I dream of the fan above me. I fall into a summer sleep above I dream of helicopters and the I hear a calm cigar smelling voice ‘I love the smell of …
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
June 2018
Just about there, I thought, just back off holiday and straight into it. The Celebration day was just around the corner I had my list, ticked everything off. knowing I would have forgotten something. Everything was sorted. Felt so tired, excited and ready for it. One good thing about the Celebration day it’s a good excuse to tidy stuff up. Isn’t it surprising how much junk you accumulate over time.
Monday arrived then in a flash it was Friday. no sleep and it was Saturday! The day of the Celebration Day. Everybody turned out. The gazebos went up in a flash, I remember the days when we had those that had to be put together piece by piece. Now you just click your fingers and up they jump, gazebos not volunteers. Everybody worked so hard it was a delight to see. Two hours to go, 1 hour to go this is the worst bit will any body turn up. 1pm and it all begun. There was a slow steady start. The atmosphere relaxed. Even I was relaxed!
Then suddenly, people arrived, from afew to loads. And everybody was busy Jon was busy catching birds and ringing them with good crowds, Emma manning the spider club got people to say what they thought of the reserve by writing on speech bubbles. And the season wheel which harry and myself built went down well. And the buns had arrived. Life was complete.
There were the first sightings of people with buns and cakes. And the ukuleles started playing. The ducks that were to be hooked were hooked and gnomes were knocked about being shown no mercy. And the sun peeled back the clouds and shone nicely on the crowds. The pond was dipped and dragons were seen. And ice creams were eaten. And more buns appeared.
And people were walking around with smiley faces. Very nice to see in these gloomy times. And I walked and talked. And was very relaxed. And people had their faces painted and amazing things were made out of balloons. Then in a flash 3 hours gone and it was all over. The crowds floated off and all the kit put away. And then there was nobody.
The next morning I went to the reserve, I had forgotten to take down a banner. I did that in moments. Then I walked the reserve and all I could hear was bird song. Amazing really considering that the previous afternoon 300 people came, looked, talked,played, ate buns and left with a smile on their face. Now a week on. I still have a smile on my face only 51 weeks to go and it’s the next one. I have already started planning it in my head.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
May 2018
I was sat in the conservatory, Monday morning with rain rumbling on the roof. This morning there was no walk to my favourite seat that looks out to the sea. It was too wet . I did it yesterday it was so good to be back. It has been about 4 years since we last visited Talmine way up in the highlands of Scotland. This is one of the many wonderful places that we have had the pleasure to share with Emma’s sister Marlene and her husband Danny. We have gone all over the place in.
It always amuses me when people say ‘oh your off to Scotland again’. Too right. There is so much to see and do and there are midges to play with. It really is such a wonderful place; it really is.
On our first day there were 4 Great Northern divers on the sea; an absolute joy to see.This Monday morning there was just one Great Northern diver sat on the sea completely un perturbed by the weather. A fulmar glided past the cottage whilst a male cuckoo shouted and caused mayhem with the local pipits.
Now I will have to concede defeat concerning the modern phone. The camera on the phone has won me over though I will never be its slave., it’s the whats app. It has proved to be very useful. Whilst out walking yesterday I saw an interesting plant. Now normally we have commented that we need a pocket Harry ( our rather brill botanist) and usually I’ll take a picture and bring it back for Harry to Id all I have to do now is take a picture of the mystery out of focus plant and whats app Harry.
And out of the blue the genious replies with an identification. I also have a pocket John (moths) john is very usefull for micros these are the tiny ones which are so difficult to ID. And then there is my new pocket friend Jon our bird ringer. Most of you will know, I bring back dead things from holiday so Jon will be very useful when I find a dead bird with a ring on it.
I now can bring back the ring maybe with the bird still attached.And Jon can tell me where it came from. So far this holiday I have got beaver chippings, feathers from a song thrush and cones nibbled by red squirrel. I found a well decomposed Guillemot its head fell off when I picked it up. And there was just a wing left it was in immaculate condition. Unfortunately there were no legs so no rings. That was such a pity. Freezer bags are brilliant because it keeps them from smelling. Which can be a right nusiance. Especially as it has been a really hot one.
It is always nice when I get back to cook breakfast and share my findings with Emma. This holiday has been really hot and I wondered how the reserve is getting on as we had seeded several areas. We will have lost some plants and I have worried that the nest boxes are ok. Hopefully the chicks will have fledged.
Oh, I forgot to mention yes I did wash my hands before breakfast.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
April 2018
Had a bit of a shock the other day I received a text from a local Brownie troop asking if they could come and do some pond dipping. No problem with that checked the diary booked them all sorted. Then I read the rest of the text it said the leader is 50 this year. I thought blimey or words to that effect. We celebrated the leaders 40th on the reserve the group has been coming 10 years in fact more. I felt old. I got to thinking about the rest of the groups and how many have been visiting us on a regular basis over the last twenty odd years and how many individuals have come to do everything from pond dipping to boggart hunting. My head began to hurt. We must be doing something right. And long may it continue.
Spring is slowly appearing everyone is saying its late; in fact its normal. Isn’t it amazing how we get used to the unusual. Its 12th April and still no swallows or other hirundines. We got chiffchaffs back and Blackcaps. I was listening to the wireless the other day, there was a environmental programme which had an article about chiffchaff, incidently as I write this a chiffchaff is singing outside. The programme talked about over wintering chiffchaffs. Which got me thinking. We have never had wintering chiffchaff on the reserve and this led me to think about all the records we have for the reserve and particularly the first and last dates for everything that comes and goes every year the main one for us is the arrival of chiffchaff between 15th and 17th March and this year bang on cue.
I haven’t seen a butterfly down here so far, have you seen any? I had one elsewhere. Monday just gone I had probably the best birding experience I have ever had. I woke early and thought have a lie till 7.30 at least. I rose looked out of the window thick fog. That put birding on the back burner. I then realised I was turning into a fair weather birder. It didn’t matter if I didn’t see anything I could listen. Next problem where. After a moment, I couldn’t check my pager because it has now ceased to exist. The company that supplies the pager services has stopped doing it. Well done guys just at the start of the spring migration., it was gutting to get up and all I had was the time and my alarm on my pager. I did feel at a loss that day I have had a pager for over twenty years we have been everywhere we got loads of rare birds and missed even more. Thankfully a new pager will be coming at the end of the month meanwhile I have the rarities on my new hi tech phone but keep forgetting to look. I am a pager man. It may be old fashioned but if it ain’t broke why mend it.
Where was I, yes, I thought where could I go Swillington Ings Leeds. They have Bittern and Black necked grebe there. So through the fog I headed off in a general direction. The traffic wasn’t bad, schools off. I got to Swillington faster than I thought. Parked up and walked into the mist. On entering the main area of the reserve I was welcomed or more to the point knocked off my feet by a low deep bass boom just three booms. A bittern. The sedges if I could see them I guess would have quivered. In the background Black headed gulls argued and complained about the day to each other. An amongst the racket a quiet sliding of the scales a willow warbler sang from a nearby bush. As I walked I listened for other birds Reed Bunting then another boom, boom, boom another bittern I scanned the mist and picked up in a small bush 2 Bearded tits or Bearded Reedlings. Magic. The gulls got louder as I walked and another Bittern. By now through the mist there was a hole made by the thing we haven’t seen for a while, the sun. As I walked the mist chorus got louder and besides me two Black necked grebes swan past at a distance of less than 10 feet. And the best bit there was nobody about. I continued walking and as the mist rose I headed back to the car. As people started to walk their dogs. I am so glad I went out into the mist. On the way back however it was nice to see where I was going. Soon I’m going to go over for dawn. Well I will if the car passes its MOT.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
March 2018
It was to be a long ten minute walk, we were visiting Titchwell in Norfolk, the reason a first winter Snowy owl. It had been seen the day before at Titchwell as with a lot of rare birds they have a habit of flying off especially when I go and true to form this young lady did the same. It was however nice to be back in Norfolk. I wasn’t too disappointed that the bird had gone actually I was gutted! No Snowy owl but Marsh Harrier, cracking views of Bearded tit. Then I put my hand in my pocket and glanced at my pager SNOWY OWL SNETTISHAM. I shouted to everyone who could hear and beyond the Snowy is at Snettisham and then the weird thing several birders went into dash gotta get it mode and then some went oh really. Oh really it’s a Snowy owl and it’s just down the road. Get your butt down there.
We set off, then arrived at Snettisham and then the long walk we were told its only 10 – 15mins walk I told Emma it’s only the length of the reserve. Yeah right half hour or so later walking Emma had told to me go - I didn’t need telling twice. We both got the bird and what a stunner. And for a while we were tired but fitter.
Later I was thinking about the bird and thought what started me doing this. Back in the early 1990’s I was sat in the Black Bull in Liversedge reading a birdwatching magazine when a chap called John made conversation about birds. We got talking then we were joined by a chap called Will. And both these guys introduced me to the chaotic and wonderful world of twitching and looking for rare birds. And for several years we went all over the country looking for rare birds some of which I had never heard of example Oriental Pratincole, Booted warbler, Red eyed vireo. Both John and Will showed me some amazing birds and we also had some amazing misses like missing 7 Ortolan Buntings in a day starting up in County Durham and finishing at Spurn! Myself and my wife at the time Sue also went to Bulgaria with John and Will. The other thing we shared was the love for good beer. It was always great to be out birding then finish with a pint or two.
Will was also into photography he taught me how to use a camera, in the early days I used slide. Slide is good because you have to get things right. If you didn’t it was expensive, receiving a box of slides that were blank was very disheartening. Will also had an interest in insects and one weekend he asked if I wanted a weekend of Dragons, birds and beer what more could he ask! He introduced me to dragonflies and at the time I was just starting work on the reserve and while I recorded birds I learnt my bugs as well.
Occasionally Will worked pen and ink drawings I have a picture of a Booted Warbler of his from the east coast. We had some great times. It was such a shock when John rang to tell me Will had become ill. He has now gone. But will never be forgotten.
And his connection to the reserve you may ask. Will designed the original motif for the reserve. Which is on my Denso Marston NR tops. I wear it with pride. Cheers Will.
I have done it. I have gone modern no longer am I caveman. I have got a smart phone. Does that make me smart and posh? A couple of good mates of mine told me I should get into the 21st Century it would change my life. What by buying a mobile phone? I think not. I now have to sort out whatsapp (just had to look on my phone to find out what is called), apps etc. I know how to text just need to find out how to send pics
Oh, I can phone and receive calls.
When I got the phone I told the very nice and pleasant man in the phone shop, they have shops just for phones well I never. Anyway I said to the chap I want to take photos, he said to me in a very knowledgable tone had I heard of Lieca. I was ten steps ahead here. My binoculars are Lieca; for that moment I was superior a king of the galaxy. And to be fair it is a good camera only thing I got to do is to take my finger off the button when I take a picture as it takes a million pictures before I take my finger off.
I know five year olds have this all sussed. I’m a lot older than them and it’s great to get confused. With this phone I must remember not to apply a p a 14lb sledgehammer or a size 9 chainsaw boot on it apparently it doesn’t do the phone much good… watch this space.
I am looking forward to photographing the moths caught on the reserve and sending by email, whatsapp, whatsup or even by post to my mate who is moth expert. I am hoping to get up to the magic 300 species in next few years. I will not be photographing cute kittens and what I had for lunch.
And another thing the phone is huge compared with my old 4.99 special. If I am felling a tree I would be able to use this phone as a wedge it is that big. The one thing that as baffled me the most is the reaction by some people who have got excited by the phone. Sorry it is a phone I have no desire to take it home to meet my mother. I must be out of touch with the rest of humanity. Thank goodness.
Just thought of another use for the phone it can be a seat cover when I sit on a cold wall or something like the only problem who would I ring ?
Phones are baffling things, the other day car broke down – clutch went. Guess what I had no phone due to the damn thing not being connected to anything. Everything worked out did manage to get to the garage. I did wonder how did we manage before mobile phones. Guess what we did. I refuse to become a slave to a blessed phone.
Bring back my cave.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
February 2018
Saturday morning, today it’s the Denso Marston friends voluntary work party. It’s dark, wet and miserable! Drove through sleet not a great start to the day alas when I arrived at the reserve spring was in the air, Song thrushes were singing as were robins.
Now anybody walking by the cabin would have had a nice surprise, well sort of, especially if they were birders as they would had heard the muffled calls from Ptarmigan, Red and Black grouse . None of these birds actually have been recorded or even dreamt about on the reserve. The reason for listening to grouse and other birds is that I have got sick of listening to the radio. I have listened to Radio 4 for donkey’s years but these days the news is all doom and gloom. Listen to bird song it brings a smile to everyone’s face. I am working through a new bird calls and songs CD it is especially pleasing listening to it on the car radio when you pull up at traffic lights and the car opposite is thumping with some drum and bass ‘tune’ which makes your fillings rattle, the answer to this ‘noise’ turn up you CD of bird song and look across at their faces when they hear a booming Bittern. It is priceless.
Just had a Crested tit calling now that would be a mega! As it only appears in Scotland.
As some of you may know, we visit Scotland a lot and particularly the islands, one place that I have a particular fondness for is Eriskay and Barra where one of my most favourite of movies was filmed; Whiskey Galore. Recently there has been an ‘re make’ of the film I for one don’t like remakes especially if the original is a classic, why mend it if it isn’t broke is my motto.
Several days ago I bought the new version, I have now watched it and it is a nice movie but it is all filmed on the mainland you can tell it’s not an island. Islands have a feel. It just hasn’t that feel.
It is strange considering that we all live on an island. Living on an island is unique and is special; especially the Scottish islands. For those that don’t know the story the film was based on a true event, Compton Mackenzie wrote a fictional story about a ship that goes aground off Barra (little Toddy) and its cargo is 50 thousand crates of whiskey. This all happened during the Second World War and due to rationing the island had out of whiskey. So with this ship coming to a grinding halt next to their little island the islanders take it upon themselves to liberate the whiskey. It is a wonderful movie to watch. Watch them both and don’t forget have a wee dram to accompany the film purely for authenticity.
It was lovely to be on Barra and having a cup of tea in one of the tea rooms used in the original movie and all the talk was about the new film and how it was filmed on the mainland. With all what’s going on in the world listening to that conversation made you feel good to be alive.
The weather has now improved. The first of the working gang has arrived. The first tea of the day drunk and chat about what we are going to do. We go and collect the tools and we crack on while in the back of my mind a little island still hangs on and tonight. I think I will have a wee dram.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
January 2018
It is 9.15pm on what sounds like a very wet evening, I know it’s raining because there is a constant but relaxing rhythm playing on my shed roof. I know If, I pull back the curtains I would see it and feel it and if I opened the bedroom window I would probably hear a hoot of an Tawny owl.
This evening I had a phone call from an old birding mate of mine telling that a good mate of ours, Will, had become gravely ill. This came as a shock as it always does. I hope everything works out for him. As we talked as with all birders the conversation worked its way to birding. During the chatter I mentioned that I had seen the American Redstart on Barra last autumn. John questioned my parentage! We both laughed. He asked if I had reached (my ) magic 400 species I told him yes I had I am now on 406. It was John that got me interested in looking for rare birds and Susan my ex-wife John and Will had some cracking days out and we saw some amazing birds some I hadn’t even heard of like Oriental Pratincole we also went to Bulgaria with Will and John and also Texas with John. Good memories. John and will are two of the lucky ones who have seen over 500 species of birds in this country dream time for me. Whilst we were talking John asked ‘what happened to your ramblings ? ‘ I told him things had just got too busy.
later, I listened to the rain outside. Read a splendid chapter called Murder in the afternoon by Francis Brody a detective novel set around Guisley. Whilst I was reading I thought about Will and I thought about what John had said about the ramblings. One or two other people had said that they had missed my ramblings. Some where glade to be rid of it too!
I thought and thought, listened to the rain still dancing on my shed roof and also thought beggar I had put moth trap on tonight at the reserve no moths I guess in the morning. I thought about the ramblings and started typing, I now think it is due time that the ramblings should return.
Next question what would I write about, in the past the ramblings went everywhere. A few weeks ago I did what everybody does and googled my name. I typed in Stephen Warrillow and pressed search and came up with a Warrillow site! There were photos of what appeared to be members of the Warrillow clan, I was amazed at how many of us there were I thought we were a rare breed! while looking through the pictures there was a picture of a poppy seen from a trench I clicked on it and low and behold there was a transcript of my ramblings. It was the one that I wrote when I first went to the Western Front. The picture was from the Yorkshire trench. There were also pictures from the Somme. This year I will be returning to the Somme to commemorate the end of the First World War.
Then I thought where were the rest of my ramblings, were they out in the internet galactic ether floating around for the rest of eternity! It had just turned 9.30pm, the rain had stopped, time for a nip of whiskey from the island of Islay then it was time to think what I could include in my new ramblings. Should it be all about the reserve, or should it be about everything or could it possibly be about 2018 the year I started birding again. Time for bed and think those thoughts.
8.05 Friday morning, down on the reserve and it is light spring on its way 4mm of rain had fallen over night according to our rain gauge. And I had caught a moth! A Pale brindled beauty. I Fed the birds, Looked at this page my Ramblings had finally arrived
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
July 2016
What an exhausting year this has been. I needed to relax and how better than to spend the day with 59 children scavenger hunting. Believe me it works. Thackley School came down and had a rare old time. A good old scavenger hunt helps blow the old cobwebs away! Earlier that morning I was joined by Andrew to lay the reef on our memorial for the Somme. Pretty soon I will be going back there. Going there makes you stand back and think about everything. A good antidote to all what is going on.
The other day I read a book ‘24 Hours on the Somme’ the personal memoir of a 20 year old infantry officer who led his troops ‘over the top’ on the 1st July 1916. There were two things that struck me this lad was only 20 years old what responsibility to lay upon shoulders so young. Could our youngsters today have done the same thing?
And the other thing that crossed my mind was, on the day he and his troops went over the top and into no man’s land he commented that he was startled. By a Hare. That stopped me dead in my tracks how was there a hare on the Somme. He said the ‘startled creature ran out with eyes bulging with fear.’ The thing that came to me in all that chaos the one thing that startled him was a hare. What other wildlife was on the Somme that day? One can only wonder and did they survive.
We have just two years left of commemoration for the First World War I have been thinking how can we mark the next two years? And how do we do the end of the war. Will it be celebration? I think not.
Our memorial to the Somme will stay up until November.
And how did the children get on? A very exciting and very tiring day but worth it all round. Talking of rounds mines a pint.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
November 2015
The wall I’m sat on is getting a tad cold. I’m waiting for a group of Brownies, I’m heading towards and probably just over 80 + groups for the year. The sun is now heading towards another nights slumber or if you live down under just waking up. I noticed up the path blackberries are now very plump and ready for a crumble. That reminds me I’m baking for the next Spiders; Blackberry and apple crumble devine.
Doesn’t it feel good when a job finally comes to an end. The education compound is pretty near damned well finished the Wednesday gang have hammered, sawn, probably cursed at times. Definatly pondered measured, hammered and sawn again but have done a cracking job and now its start of the autumn/winter reserve management jobs. Trees to be tidying, hedges to be laid footpaths to be found beneath the falling yellow and red leaves and bird food to be put out and the skies to be watched. The first redwings have passed through no fieldfares as yet but at the moment the winds are all to pot. Too many southerlies we want northerlies lots of chilly weather! Guess I’m in the minority of one here. The advantage however of the cold weather is the roaring log fire spitting flames up the chimney and a smallish glass of a well known whiskey from the isle of Jura to warm the cockles!
It has been a a quieter migration this year with not as many birds passing. The coast has still been very good with several new birds to my list and a new life bird a Siberian Stonechat now taking my British list to 398 (still need to triple check my numbers) I missed one of my bogey birds twice in two days a juvenile Pallid Harrier. I will be patient. I will get it one day – would be nice to have it as my 400th now that would definately would be a alarge double of a Juranian whiskey.
It’s going to be a very busy winter this year so it’s time to sharpen up the old bill hook and it’s time to get cutting, laying, coppicing ready for when spring comes.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
October 2015
Oh well it didn’t last long did it? My ramblings are well, back. It sort of dawned on me the other day. I’ve actually enjoyed rambling. So what have I been up to, since we last shared a page or two? Work mainly. It has been very busy down here. The summer school holidays were very busy. Plenty turned out, the first one; pond dipping had 80 very enthusiastic visitors both young and old. It was made particularly interesting considering we have only 30 nets. Not panicking on the outside. I had plan B, C and D lined up. Painting and drawing. It never ceases to amaze me how youngsters still love to paint and draw. Forget computers. First give the youngest ones paint and loads of paper and enough room to make as much mess as possible. Bingo! The older ones who have to be cool draw using pens etc. the first 5 minutes if the pond dipping session was mayhem but myself and Anna (Volunteer) coped extremely well. I didn’t lock myself away and pretend it wasn’t happening. Nets were handed out and so were drawing sets and it all fell into place just like the last piece you put into a jigsaw. Bliss.
Between dashing around managing the reserve, with groups, classes I have sneaked in the odd birding/twitching foray. And it has been brill. I have seen several species which I haven’t seen for years and most of them have been in Gods own country. Happy bunny I have been. I had a quick count of my life list the other day and I’m just a few ticks off my magic 400 species. I also sorted out Scotland.
My Scottish list which stands at 180 species not bad, though I do say so myself. There are a couple birds I need to catch up with north of the border, Jay and kingfisher which are proving quite troublesome.
So where have I been? I promise to keep this down to five volumes. I caught up with a splendid pair of Montague’s Harriers at Blacktoft Sands RSPB this apparently this has been the second year that they have bred in that area around the reserve. I managed to see both the male and female. The female was a new plumage for me. Whilst I was at the reserve my pager prompted me to nipped over to a park in the middle of hull and where I saw my second Red rumped swallow which had disappeared earlier in the morning only to be re-found by me as I walked onto site. Which was very polite of the bird it left me with a very pleasant feeling that. Chuffed I was indeed.
A trip to North Cave NR proved fruitful with a cracking Temminck’s stint and Green sandpiper. Though not at all rare but I had cracking views of a Sedge warbler in full belt, it was singing so loudly the reed it was on vibrated!
At some point I will have a count up how many birds I have seen in 2015. Homes been good with a Cuckoo out of the back garden and over the last couple of weeks a Barn owl has been hunting in the back field though worryingly it has been hunting a lot during the day. I hope it will be alright.
Diverging from birding (big sigh from everyone)we went for a meal other day it was ok but it was the pudding that caused a stir I had jam roly poly a bog, standard favourite no fuss, no nonsense then can you imagine my utter confusion, when it arrived on a wooden plate and the custard was in a bottle.
Confused, I was. Call me old fashioned but I really prefer plates, dishes. Believe me I do. Traumatised I was. What next rice pudding with a straw.
Bring back plates! The natural way to eat!
It’s been a year of old memories. As you know I don’t do memories that well. This one however was lovely. The Clangers are back! I must admit I was a little nervous about the first episode would it be all computer generated like everything else. No! The Clangers were real (real in a matter speaking) all knitted and looking pretty damned good. No matter what rubbish is going in the world or what is thrown at you, an episode of the clangers makes you feel the world is good. The world is good.
And also getting a juvenile Black Stork at Spurn makes you feel good too. I got one of a family of Storks that had bred in France and had decided to pop over to Spurn and Aberdeen. I did Spurn. Granted it only just stand there, for a while. Then to my relief it moved its head and wings – proving it wasn’t stuffed.
I have seen various other bits and bobs through the summer. But now I’m back onto the vismiging on the reserve. The highlight so far wasn’t a bird but a Muntjac deer over the river. My first in Yorkshire. It’s great to back doing vismiging the art of spotting tiny dots in the sky and turning them into birds will I beat the 15,000 wood pigeons from a couple years back. Time will only tell.
It’s good to be rambling again.
See you next time.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden
March 2015
It seems an age since ramblings last found its way onto a page or two. So what has been happening? I’ve been on a twitch or two starting on the 1st January normally I get the car or now my van and I toodle off searching for birds to get my none existent bird year list on its way. Now imagine 31st January already 3 months ago – have you noticed the years passing too, way too fast, I wish it would slow down and relax, mellow out pull a beer and be calm.
‘Where you off to tomorrow?’
‘Think I’ll start at the reserve then I think I just might go to Spurn’
‘Sounds good’ she said
‘Yep’ I replied.
Then I looked at the Pager the Holy Grail finder. And my did it do it. I’m not too far away from my 400th species as explained in past Ramblings. I am desperately trying to get back into birding and it is slowly coming back. I digress which is unusual for me. The pager bleeped more like screamed at me, if it was put on vibrate mode it would have exploded. Yes it has a vibrate mode. I won’t divulge past events concerning said pager. But we did like putting it on the table in the pub and get very much a childlike chap thing watching the pagers vibrate and charge off in different directions across the table bouncing off pints of beer. Ah the bliss of a simpler life.
Why did the pager try desperately to grab my attention? Has I have said on numerous occasions I am near my 400th species. I have been looking at my list and certain birds I do need to get. Like Short toed lark had it in Bulgaria but not here. My bogey bird Pallid Harrier chased one up in Northumberland and dipped. White billed Diver ahhhh! Just one I cannot connect with.
Bogey and dipped what is all that about you ask. Bogey bird nothing to do with runny noses it means a bird you just can’t connect with sometimes it never happens but sometimes it can arrive years later and dip simply means missed the damned thing. In a recent edition of Birdwatching magazine they talked about different kind of lists there are loads but one was interesting a dip list stuff you don’t get. Many moons ago we went on a mega twitch day there had been a good fall of migrants on the east coast we set off very early and had a cracking dipping day we missed 5 Ortalan buntings, a white stork and black kite which flew over a site where we missed the bird by 5 minutes. You learn to grin and bear it. Back to the pager, it was screaming and whistling at me I picked it and nearly dropped it. There are some birds that are simply just dream birds some you KNOW you will never see. This was one of those birds a Little Bustard on the east coast. Slap me silly.
‘A change of plans’ I said almost calmly. ‘The East coast beckons’
Do you remember as a child the night before Christmas you could never sleep well I was just the same. Tingly was not the word. It was a dreamless night. And a very long one. Then I woke up. Kit ready and off I went. On arriving on site there was cars everywhere I walked up through the village and up to where the bird hopefully was. There were birders everywhere. I hate the walk/run to a life bird. The nervous tension, the excitement the thought of it flying away just before you get there the local Sparrowhawk taking it out. Over enthusiastic photographer or birder chasing it off.
I got there I joined the great line of birders. Any signs of hangovers looked very distant. There was a field of Kale. a big field of kale and there the bird was sat there a brisk wind blowing over its head. There were only scope views you wouldn’t have found it with just binoculars.
It was very contenting day. I did then go to Spurn where I got a Black Brant.
A Harlequin Duck turned up just north of Aberdeen. It was ten years since I had seen a pair of female harlequins. I hadn’t seen a male. So a cunning plan was plotted we went to see Marlene and Danny which is always a delight. We also needed a break and I needed to try out my new van. It was decided to go straight after the Feed the Birds event. It was a reasonably pleasant run Emma found out where all the drafts come in around the cabin. She wrapped herself up in coats and kept perhaps reasonably warm! We got there eventually and had a good sleep the next day we were going in my van when suddenly it was decided we would go up in Marlene and Danny’s car luxury. We set off to Aberdeen I ticked off birds as we went. Marlene and Emma caught up with each other. We got to the country park where the bird was and no sign. A dip. Not good. Don’t like dipping. Luckily a couple of birders came and said it had moved further down river so off we went and it was a struggle at times and a few frowns from me as is expected. We found the part of the river where the Harlequin was thought to be. AND nothing OH DEAR or words to that effect. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw a birder who saw me and waved us across and there he was. The harlequin bobbing up and down in the flowing river. And what a cracker he was. Suddenly he came down to about 6 foot from us. The Gods were good to us that day. We left a chap from Barnsley sat on a rock photographing the bird. I took a picture of him taking a picture of the bird. Content was not the word. Rather chuffed more like.
The nice thing about the Harlequin was when it turned up the bird was a first winter male so it was in winter plumage when we saw him he was changing into a rather splendid adult male if it sticks till April it would be a absolutely stunning bird to see.
I went back to the reserve very chuffed. And promptly found our first female Mandarin duck and at the end of the month a male House Sparrow in the factory grounds if the rest of the year goes like this then it will prove to be rather splendid. Watch this space.
Steve Warrillow
Denso Marston Nature Reserve Warden